Okay, my answering machine has been on for a while since my computer is fucked up.
Here's what's new if anyone cares....
I'm now working two jobs, one of which is slightly unstable, the other which pays shit and has no benefits and crappy hours. Working hard to make sure I keep the former.
I am really going to have to explain everythinga at another...
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Here's what's new if anyone cares....
I'm now working two jobs, one of which is slightly unstable, the other which pays shit and has no benefits and crappy hours. Working hard to make sure I keep the former.
I am really going to have to explain everythinga at another...
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You have good taste

No one is available to take your call at the moment. At the beep, please leave your name, number, and a brief justification of the ontological neccessity of modern man's existential dilemna, and someone will get back to you.
Zahara, Mark of the Beast 666
As far as modern man's existential dilemma, it is not something as simple as Descartes' Cogito Ergo Sum. Existential dilemma spans all of written and oral history--we just haven't always had the words or the means to express the event. If we look at Wittgenstein's Gavagai theory of language and translation, we can see how existential dilemma could have occurred in the past--without a modern understanding of it.
To me, the dilemma is right now more of a social movement than a philosophical issue. Modern man has became obsessed with trends and fashions (including intellectual). It's "cool" to question our existence. We are currently in a philosophical void because we fear to question the television.
As far as modern man's existential dilemma, it is not something as simple as Descartes' Cogito Ergo Sum. Existential dilemma spans all of written and oral history--we just haven't always had the words or the means to express the event. If we look at Wittgenstein's Gavagai theory of language and translation, we can see how existential dilemma could have occurred in the past--without a modern understanding of it.
To me, the dilemma is right now more of a social movement than a philosophical issue. Modern man has became obsessed with trends and fashions (including intellectual). It's "cool" to question our existence. We are currently in a philosophical void because we fear to question the television.
I'd like to speak to Rae-vyn please?
Any one there?
I'd like to speak to Rae-vyn please?
Any one there?
Today is wonderful. For the first time, I have tickets to go see NIN. I have wanted to see them live for about 11 years now, and everytime they come to town they fucking sell out in a ridiculously short period of time. I probably shoudn't have spent the money, being unemployed and all, but what the fuck are credit cards good for if I...
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Been a long time since I last wrote anything. It's kind of amazing that I haven't had time to update anything since I spend my days doing absolutely nothing. Not enough hours in the day I suppose..
Seems like there never is! curse you sun! btw, great taste in music! :-)
I completely understand. But if you're like me, your days aren't made up of big events but little things here and there. I can be busy all day long and don't accomplish a damn thing.
Thanks! I think that was more happy birthdays than I actually received from friends & family ON my birthday. Feels good to know I'm loved by a bunch of people I've never met. The beauty of technology.
Sorry it took me so long to get back, but I have moved, and I was too fucking lazy to find my modem. But now I'm...
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Sorry it took me so long to get back, but I have moved, and I was too fucking lazy to find my modem. But now I'm...
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Happy Be-lated Birthday!
This weekend I decided to give my two youngest children some punk rock haircuts. They totally rule, so in my mind, people should be able to tell that just by looking at them. It kinda clues them in so they're not quite as shocked when they meet me. Even though I do miss my daughter long beautiful locks, she does look pretty fucking cool, if...
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Happy birthday!
Thanks! I think that was more happy birthdays than I actually received from friends & family ON my birthday. Feels good to know I'm loved by a bunch of people I've never met. The beauty of technology.
Sorry it took me so long to get back, but I have moved, and I was too fucking lazy to find my modem. But now I'm back so START THE FUCKING PARTY!!!!

Sorry it took me so long to get back, but I have moved, and I was too fucking lazy to find my modem. But now I'm back so START THE FUCKING PARTY!!!!

So I haven't been on for a while. Still trying to find a job, although I had a great interview and they don't give a flying rat's ass what I look like. That makes me happy
I think my 5 year old daughter may be losing her mind. I t must run in the family.
One of these days I will figure out how...
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I think my 5 year old daughter may be losing her mind. I t must run in the family.
One of these days I will figure out how...
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I thought mind losing was just part of being a 5 year old...
Thank you all for your support!! And I certainly agree about the piercings. Everyone and their mother has something pierced nowadays, so why all the fuss? That's what I get for working at bank, I suppose.
You know, I'm actually a really great worker, but I'm sure if I tried to take SunTrust to court they could provide some kind of crap saying I wasn't...
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You know, I'm actually a really great worker, but I'm sure if I tried to take SunTrust to court they could provide some kind of crap saying I wasn't...
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while i agree with the idea of making them pay for being idiots, i'd weigh that against making a true enemy out of your most recent employer. references are hard to come by...wait until you're into your next job and then attack.
just some unsolicited advice,
- e
just some unsolicited advice,
- e
Random picture of the day

Everything would be cool if my daughter hadn't already been suspended twice. I didn't even know they could suspend kindergarteners.
BUT - the hair must stay ! It is the one thing that I can change at will. It has become important to me that no one be allowed to dictate certain aspects of my appearance. Maybe it's all just too tragic *sigh* but I'm...
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BUT - the hair must stay ! It is the one thing that I can change at will. It has become important to me that no one be allowed to dictate certain aspects of my appearance. Maybe it's all just too tragic *sigh* but I'm...
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Is that not still discrimination though? I know that there was a lawsuit last year where a woman sued her workplace for not promoting her because of her appearance. It actually went to trial, but she lost because apparantly she really was a horrible worker and they had documented proof.
Nose rings and eyebrow rings are so tame. It's funny that to some people they're still suck a big deal. Oh, and I used to shave my head from about the temples down. I loved it, but got tired of the upkeep. I've considered doing it again, but it's taken me so damn long to grow my hair out one length.
Nose rings and eyebrow rings are so tame. It's funny that to some people they're still suck a big deal. Oh, and I used to shave my head from about the temples down. I loved it, but got tired of the upkeep. I've considered doing it again, but it's taken me so damn long to grow my hair out one length.
welcome to the old south. i wish we could all move to london.
not all places are this way, though. i see several types of piercings each day at work. we're a div. of a fortune 500 (100?) co., to boot.
watch the Al.Ma. channel for a couple questions. i hate to see people having such troubles in life!
not all places are this way, though. i see several types of piercings each day at work. we're a div. of a fortune 500 (100?) co., to boot.
watch the Al.Ma. channel for a couple questions. i hate to see people having such troubles in life!
Well, it's now 6:47 am and I apparently have no life.
Does life actually end with children, or am I just too fucking tired to live it?
I seem to have a lot of time on my hands, now that I am unemployed. Unfortunately, I now have no money to go do anything with my time.
Is it possible to die from boredom? Someone will...
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Does life actually end with children, or am I just too fucking tired to live it?
I seem to have a lot of time on my hands, now that I am unemployed. Unfortunately, I now have no money to go do anything with my time.
Is it possible to die from boredom? Someone will...
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keep the faith. no one ever said it would be easy. <old dad ducks the flying bullets>
school is in session, everything is cool now, right? or am i the only one who enjoyed the slight amount of extra sleep?
hair is overrated <grin>. pissing is NOT overrrated. as i turn 40 in 1/06 and still have the former and can do the latter, i count myself blessed.
- e
school is in session, everything is cool now, right? or am i the only one who enjoyed the slight amount of extra sleep?
hair is overrated <grin>. pissing is NOT overrrated. as i turn 40 in 1/06 and still have the former and can do the latter, i count myself blessed.
- e
Everything would be cool if my daughter hadn't already been suspended twice. I didn't even know they could suspend kindergarteners.
BUT - the hair must stay
! It is the one thing that I can change at will. It has become important to me that no one be allowed to dictate certain aspects of my appearance. Maybe it's all just too tragic *sigh* but I'm getting tired of having to conform to these idiotic standards when I know that, in most cases, I am more than qualified to perform the job at hand.
For example, My most recent position was with SunTrust Bank , at their Atlanta call center. I didn't even have to deal with the customer face-to-face, but still was denied more that one promotion because of my "un-professional" appearance. I thought that was kind of stupid. Ok, I thought it was really fucking stupid. I followed all dress code guidelines, and according to SunTrust policy, my appearance was within reasonable standards. Unfortunately, my manager felt I was slipping through a loophole, and that my lack of conformity was a sign of lack of commitment. So, regardless of my performace and track record with the company, positions I was qualified for were given to people with less experience and knowledge than I had. It's not even that the color of my hair or my preference for stripey sock that kept me from adapting to their standards. It's the principle behind the whole thing. Why should my appearance have anything to do with how qualified I was for the job? If someone denied me a job because I am a woman, or because of my religious beliefs, I would have a right under federal and state law to file a complaint against that company, receive an investigation into the matter, and receive restitution if my arguement was proven to be just. But in this case there are no provisions, no action I can take within the company or the law to receive justice. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, there is no law or guideline that will prevent a company for passing me over for promotion or even firing me based on my appearance, regardless if I looked that way when I began my employment or not. * take a breath* Okay, see you've gotten me off into a rant here.. Not nearly as amusing as Dennis Miller's. Sorry about that. It's just a subject I feel passionately about, and in my mind just another form of prejudice and discrimination. Whew! I think I had better take a break now...
BUT - the hair must stay

For example, My most recent position was with SunTrust Bank , at their Atlanta call center. I didn't even have to deal with the customer face-to-face, but still was denied more that one promotion because of my "un-professional" appearance. I thought that was kind of stupid. Ok, I thought it was really fucking stupid. I followed all dress code guidelines, and according to SunTrust policy, my appearance was within reasonable standards. Unfortunately, my manager felt I was slipping through a loophole, and that my lack of conformity was a sign of lack of commitment. So, regardless of my performace and track record with the company, positions I was qualified for were given to people with less experience and knowledge than I had. It's not even that the color of my hair or my preference for stripey sock that kept me from adapting to their standards. It's the principle behind the whole thing. Why should my appearance have anything to do with how qualified I was for the job? If someone denied me a job because I am a woman, or because of my religious beliefs, I would have a right under federal and state law to file a complaint against that company, receive an investigation into the matter, and receive restitution if my arguement was proven to be just. But in this case there are no provisions, no action I can take within the company or the law to receive justice. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, there is no law or guideline that will prevent a company for passing me over for promotion or even firing me based on my appearance, regardless if I looked that way when I began my employment or not. * take a breath* Okay, see you've gotten me off into a rant here.. Not nearly as amusing as Dennis Miller's. Sorry about that. It's just a subject I feel passionately about, and in my mind just another form of prejudice and discrimination. Whew! I think I had better take a break now...
didn't I just say?