first entry. nothing much to say. i've known about this place since 2002 but never joined. eh. i should be working on my 2D project right now, but i just don't feel like getting out the conte and making a mess. shelby is asleep at home and i want to be there. i am poor and have only honey and melba rounds to eat. could...
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Tell me about it. Everyday I tell myself I should go and look for another job, since I quit last week, and here I am sitting my ass in front of the PC, looking up nudies. Well any way, Welcome to SG... took you long enough, lol. ooo aaa
Yea, waitressing bites when the place you work for sux. Had that experience before. Jobs bite period. What kind of art are you studying? I cant wait to get paid big bucks for just doing absolutely nothing. Well maybe to read a book or two. Hee hee.