..so as you all have seen now, i delivered my baby boy this past tuesday afternoon. to be honest, it was definitely not quite the experience i was hoping for..
we had arrived at the hospital monday night around 10PM..&&was admitted to labor&&delivery after they checked me&&said i was 4cm dilated. they started me on my epidural to help through my contractions. i was coasting through my early labor. everything was great until 5AM on tuesday....the nurse came to check on me&&couldn’t find my baby boy’s heartbeat..she called in the dr&&other nurses..&&they had to manually break my amniotic sac&&put an internal heart rate monitor in me to try to find his heart rate. when they did find it, it had dropped to the 80s, which if you are familiar with having babies - a baby in the womb has a heart rate of 120-170...&&mine had a heart rate of 80........ they hooked me up with an oxygen mask&&finally his heart rate slowly went back up.
few hrs passed..&&it got harder&&harder for to stay awake. when the nurse came, we found out that i was actually running a fever of 109..i had apparently caught an infection due to the fact that my amniotic sac broke. after that, it became important to get my baby out as fast as possible because 1. i had an infection that could possibly harm my baby; 2. i had a fever, which means baby is burning up more inside. the good thing was that now that my water broke, i dilated way faster. it was 10AM when i was 9.5cm dilated. NOW THE EXCITING PART IS HERE! WE PUSH! &&WE WILL MEET OUR BABY!!! ..right....? wrong. so. very. wrong.
when they say that you won’t feel anything when you get an epidural....SUCH A LIE. you feel the pressure of the baby pushing on your pelvic area as he/she is coming down. &&as you’re further into labor, it hurts more&&more. WELL, it got to the point where they realize my baby wasn’t coming down dispite the fact that i was pushing. &&instead of maybe checking on him sooner, they had me push a total of four hrs, then came to the conclusion his head wasn’t fitting through my pelvic bone..then they tried to turn him..which didn’t work. at that point, i was screaming&&crying that i couldn’t do it anymore..&&as the pain intensified, i fell into almost a daze&&was slowly becoming unresponsive..&&my family was getting worried.
they finally opted for me to get a c-section. &&in an hr, we met our baby boy, logan. i cried when i heard his first cry. my husband was crying too.
all i remember after was waking back up in my labor&&delivery room..dazed..going in&&out of consciousness.
despite putting my body through, quite literally, the WHOLE birthing experience....i’m so happy right now. i look at my handsome baby boy&&i couldn’t ask for anything, or anyone, more complete than he is right now❤️