i've never thought tremendously highly of myself - i was bullied through high school..&&grew up with a physically&&emotionally abusive father who constantly told me i was worthless. after joining SG, my confidence in myself has increased greatly. there are still times when i look at myself&&don't like myself..but it's nearly as bad as i has felt before. the love&&support from this community has taught me to love&&support myself! through SG, i have met some very awesome people. people who are genuinely friendly&&caring. my husband was one of them - because of my SG journey, he was able to come across me on instagram. we connected over our dogs, tattoos, heartbreaks&&more. i bravely flew out to indiana from california to meet him&&he packed everything together to move here to california..&&now we're married! another one of these people is @tomtomnz! ..thomas joined SG after seeing some of my photos on instagram. he messaged me after he joined to let me know that i had such great support. we started chatting on snapchat (mostly cause i suck at noticing that i have SG messages). through the last year or so, he has even gone as far as to support my husband&&my wedding (we had a gofundme set up as a way for people who couldn't make it to the wedding to be able to leave any monetary gifts). the last four months or so, thomas has been vacationing here in the US (he's from new zealand). on saturday, i have finally had the opportunity to meet him in person (&&provide him somewhere to stay&&show him around the bay area, california) &&enjoy his warm company until bright&&early tuesday morning, when he takes off for japan. thank you SG for helping me realize that i'm worth the world to so many people&&for the amazing friends you have helped me make!!!