dear @missy && @rambo
i'm at the worst with dealing with stress. i frequently just end up breaking down&&crying. getting tattoos would be a great way, but it never fully got rid of my stress; it only briefly masked it. sometimes i'd go driving, but that's also temporary; once i stop, all the stress flows back.
in the last year, with the help of therapy, i found an awesome way to relieve my stress. it's called "CBT thought record", short for "cognitive behavioral therapy thought record". it helps get you past thinking only the negative of a stressful situation. you're suppose to write what the situation is, what your immediate negative emotion(s) is(are), what evidence is there that supports you negative emotion(s), BUT, then list what an alternative positive thoughts is, what evidence supports your positive thought, &&lastly, what's your new feeling now that you're able to see the positive.
a lot of people who gets stressed over a problem gets OVERLY stressed because we can't think pass the negativity. but with this CBT thought record helps guide you to think the positive, thus helping you realize there IS a positive, &¬ be stressed as much, or ANYMORE!!
this is the most helpful stress reliever..&&it actually works extremely wellšš