yummm. i just made some kema (indian ground beef dish). it is one of the few meals i know how to make and i luuvvvv it. of course i burned the freaking rice. i hate making rice. it's the most simple thing, but i always fuck it up. i guess i should get one of those rice cookers. i need to have my aunt show me how to make her chicken curry too. it is the best chicken curry in the world! i swear nothing compares to it. for you veggies the kema can be made with st. yves veggie ground round. it comes out pretty damn good but not quite the same. plus i know now that i'm allergic to that shit.
so, what other excitment do i have to share... i went down to the haight this evening and bought the new damian marley cd. hold on, gotta get that goin right now. his music is sooooo fucking awesome. i first heard it when i was in miami about a year and a half ago. a hippie buddy of mine had this bootleg. damian and i think a couple of his brothers live in miami. they have a cool little shop by the beach. it's great he's coming out in a big way now it seems. you gotta be fucking badass if your name's Marley!
alright i can't think of any other excitement. someone come over and hang out with me (i have a free airline ticket if you are coming from sweden
good tunes, the best green, and a whole lotta love.
so, what other excitment do i have to share... i went down to the haight this evening and bought the new damian marley cd. hold on, gotta get that goin right now. his music is sooooo fucking awesome. i first heard it when i was in miami about a year and a half ago. a hippie buddy of mine had this bootleg. damian and i think a couple of his brothers live in miami. they have a cool little shop by the beach. it's great he's coming out in a big way now it seems. you gotta be fucking badass if your name's Marley!
alright i can't think of any other excitement. someone come over and hang out with me (i have a free airline ticket if you are coming from sweden
