I am falling asleep but here's another very exciting update in my fascinating life. I am moving my stuff into storage on saturday and I've hardly packed anything. but fortunately a lot of stuff is still unpacked from when I moved in here a year ago. It's crazy how long it takes me to settle in, and then I always have to fucking up an move again. I swear I am done living with people. that' s it, fucking done with it. so I will have my own studio in south beach and then I will come back here in the spring and prolly sublet for a little while and then plant my freaking ass somewhere.
I have really mixed feelings about coming back to SF. Basically it has been shit here. I am feeling really good about things now with the work potential though and trying to get work shooting somewhere else seems like it will be taking many steps backwards, or putting lots of obstacles in my way. something like that. so I'll be going to miami to assist this winter and have steady work, and hang out with my best girl, and work with babes in bikinis and be a kid for a little while. that could be sooo awesome to be a kid.
below is a picture i was trying to post before but couldn't because I'm computartarded. amazing what a few years of new technology can do. it's the monstrous monitor which i just got rid of thru freecycle and the new flatscreen I scored for $50 on CL. did you know you can get all sorts of free shit through this thing? it's fucking rad, free stuff and ease the landfills. so that would be the lovely sophie onscreen. in celebration of our reaquaintance.
she is fucking hawwt but you know that already. she is also a fountain of positivity and quite a smart cookie. nite.

I have really mixed feelings about coming back to SF. Basically it has been shit here. I am feeling really good about things now with the work potential though and trying to get work shooting somewhere else seems like it will be taking many steps backwards, or putting lots of obstacles in my way. something like that. so I'll be going to miami to assist this winter and have steady work, and hang out with my best girl, and work with babes in bikinis and be a kid for a little while. that could be sooo awesome to be a kid.
below is a picture i was trying to post before but couldn't because I'm computartarded. amazing what a few years of new technology can do. it's the monstrous monitor which i just got rid of thru freecycle and the new flatscreen I scored for $50 on CL. did you know you can get all sorts of free shit through this thing? it's fucking rad, free stuff and ease the landfills. so that would be the lovely sophie onscreen. in celebration of our reaquaintance.

Well hope everything turns out to the best for you as well