well lots going on lately. should be working now but seems a few people actually read this crap now and you are so here be an update. lots happening. my brother left for saudi arabia today. he's basically a diplomat now i guess (wow that makes me feel old) and so he's gonna be in riyhad for a year and then probably iraq for a couple years. pretty freaking crazy. he and i have always been really tight, i wish he was less "big brother" but i am gonna miss his ass. felt bad i couldn't be there with everyone when he left but fortunately he's going to try and come back for a bit in oct. which is really soon.
i am gearing up for my move AGAIN. last year i moved in august and then again in sept. because this place opened up and now it is being sold. it has been nice here and a pain in the ass too. it was what i needed, lots of privacy, great location, fucking hot-tub which i will miss like crazy. my roommate was a bitch but mostly i didn't have to deal with him, it was one really bad period but brief. and i've had the whole house to myself for over a month. i cannot believe how much money the landlord made off this place. (part-time roomy, not the same guy but he is a bitch too). He bought it about 11years ago for $200,000 and sold for a mill. and he's got a house already in puerta vallarta where he's just gonna live like a king. one day... one day i will rise above my peasant caste. fuckers.
i scored another sweet deal on craigslist last week... a 15" flat-screen monitor for $50. and it was just perfect fucking timing. i'm moving right, and the monitor i have now is a BOHEMOTH (there is a picture for you to prove it, but doesn't even do the thing justice). it's a 21" nec that came with the G4 i bought recently. seeems fucking awesome, right? however the image is not tack sharp which is fine for general use but i am trying edit freaking photos on here. so for weeks i have been taking my stuff to the apple store and sharpening stuff there. that place rocks. now i got everything i need here tho and i'm gonna post this monster on freecycle in a couple days. watched Sin City on it the other day finally! that movie kicked ass, loved it. i'm probably like the only person on the site who didn't see it in the theatre (exept for you euro chicks since you get stuff later, ha). i think my fav part other than jessica alba workin it was this dude's hand was blown off with the gun it it and someone pries (sp? wtf) it from the hand with their teeth.
that movie also made me feel like a real dumbass for this offer i passed up. it was for an extra part in a movie called Rent, where i would have sat by the stage watching Rosario Dawson strip. I turned it down because it was only like $50 bucks (even tho i pay for that stuff) and it was on Treasure Island and I don't have a car. I coulda gotten there tho. that's how depressed i've been. i didn't even get psyched to watch rosario dawson strip for me (this was a deal not a go see or anything). alas, i should go make up for it tomorrow nite.
well that's about it for now i got shit to do. here is a pic first. the girl pictured would be the lovely sophie in celebration of our reaquaintance. she is a fountain of positivity, and what a babe. BEHOLD!

i am gearing up for my move AGAIN. last year i moved in august and then again in sept. because this place opened up and now it is being sold. it has been nice here and a pain in the ass too. it was what i needed, lots of privacy, great location, fucking hot-tub which i will miss like crazy. my roommate was a bitch but mostly i didn't have to deal with him, it was one really bad period but brief. and i've had the whole house to myself for over a month. i cannot believe how much money the landlord made off this place. (part-time roomy, not the same guy but he is a bitch too). He bought it about 11years ago for $200,000 and sold for a mill. and he's got a house already in puerta vallarta where he's just gonna live like a king. one day... one day i will rise above my peasant caste. fuckers.
i scored another sweet deal on craigslist last week... a 15" flat-screen monitor for $50. and it was just perfect fucking timing. i'm moving right, and the monitor i have now is a BOHEMOTH (there is a picture for you to prove it, but doesn't even do the thing justice). it's a 21" nec that came with the G4 i bought recently. seeems fucking awesome, right? however the image is not tack sharp which is fine for general use but i am trying edit freaking photos on here. so for weeks i have been taking my stuff to the apple store and sharpening stuff there. that place rocks. now i got everything i need here tho and i'm gonna post this monster on freecycle in a couple days. watched Sin City on it the other day finally! that movie kicked ass, loved it. i'm probably like the only person on the site who didn't see it in the theatre (exept for you euro chicks since you get stuff later, ha). i think my fav part other than jessica alba workin it was this dude's hand was blown off with the gun it it and someone pries (sp? wtf) it from the hand with their teeth.
that movie also made me feel like a real dumbass for this offer i passed up. it was for an extra part in a movie called Rent, where i would have sat by the stage watching Rosario Dawson strip. I turned it down because it was only like $50 bucks (even tho i pay for that stuff) and it was on Treasure Island and I don't have a car. I coulda gotten there tho. that's how depressed i've been. i didn't even get psyched to watch rosario dawson strip for me (this was a deal not a go see or anything). alas, i should go make up for it tomorrow nite.
well that's about it for now i got shit to do. here is a pic first. the girl pictured would be the lovely sophie in celebration of our reaquaintance. she is a fountain of positivity, and what a babe. BEHOLD!