much work to do... we may have figured out a big glitch on my website. if so i've got to run through a shitload of pictures on pshop. things have been kind of at a standstill in the photo department. it's probably my own fault though. i've been in a funk the past few weeks and i've been sorta lazy too. that's what happens with me. some people turn into workaholics when they feel like shit and at least they get stuff done. maybe not always healthy though, whatever. so may 15 i wanna have that web shit together. yea. and taxes, damn i still have to do that junk. 04 and 03!!! can u believe i'm that bad a procrastinator? this is why i never wanted to go back to school. i did have a good a excuse, or reason actually when all my files were in storage after moving back here from miami. oh well i hate paperwork. time to bake chocolate chip cake. yummy.