almost 3 again. i am becoming a vampire i think. well i get home from work 12 or 1 in the morning and i am so wasted physically but not ready at all mentally to end my day. so i've been totally sleeping my days away. feels like i will never get anything done. tomorrow is yet another catering gig and starts at 2... i will probably just make it. tonight was a pretty boring party because all i did was pour wine. they did have some good music and these cool trapeze dancers though. unfortunately i didn't get to salvage any open wine bottles that would have gone to waste this time, because i left a little early. that's one good thing about catering- i always have a nice bottle of wine in the fridge. hehe. i just saw one which i'd had a while ago at the other the liquor store the other day and it was like fifty bucks. i guess i can become conoissiour now. no i think to be connisiour of anything you have to know how to spell it right! well fuck the snooty wine people. alright gotta go my bed is calling. gotta look at just a few naked chicks first too ha.

Wait 'till my GF's set goes live. It's gonna be hot, I was at the shoot!