Fuck, I am back in civilization. Just back from a much needed respite in the woods. Kunst Stoff dancers rule and there were so many amazingly talented people doing their thing. I was doing some volunteering so I could go to this campout for free, but it was the perfect amount of downtime and good to get a little workout too. The nite after the main performance people were sitting near the stage and guests were getting called out to show what they got on stage. It was pretty impressive and amazing to see people push themselves and pull shit out without much backing them up (the musicians kinda dried up after a little while... not having a drumbeat makes it really hard too i'm sure and i'll give'em credit, two great saxophonists). Dancers are so damn hot. Next year some of you SGers gotta make it out to this. Good times!

damn dude. That sucks... and so do smelly hallways
Hope the next 3 months are better for you.

sorry, just making my journal pass... nope, the lovemakers show was thursday night. gotta keep an eye on the SGSF events or they will get away from you