Yep, definitely a 'nam era song. My point, I guess, is like you said, brotherhood. However, one of the people that have hurt me the most is my mother, we didn't talk for two years (kicking me out of the house instead of dealing with the problem, just silencing the complainer, kinda does that to a relationship). I've also found dogs to be as fickle as humans. Friendship is a symbiotic relationship wherein a person receives more help, attention, whatever than they have to give. It's something you can never trust in the opposite sex in a friendship. I have a "friend" who has dangled me over her husband's head for longer than they've been married. When she left him (the first sign they shouldn't have gotten married, but I digress) I was who he searched out for he knew she'd be with me. My number seems to be found whenever they are having problems. Chris Rock summed it up best I've seen. Platonic friend= dick in a glass. In case of emergency, break glass. I want to say I haven't had a true friend (non-internet, I'm amazed at how my Friends section has grown) for around five years but then I think of how those friends, like I said, were getting more help than they were giving.
With the economy the way that it is I am afraid of making any moves at the moment (not to mention the debt I'm trying to work off to free up money). I've got a secure job in healthcare but I hate myself for being there. But I'm planning. I don't really need for nothing, no real wants, so things should be okay. But, I don't know, it's easier to be ignored by tourists and locals in a resort town than to have to endure the self-degradation of people in the sticks. I began to wonder yesterday why Stephen King lives in rural Maine still. If I had the means I am sure I'd try to keep moving. I like having, say, a base of operations to return to if I wanted; but I have no home and know no where I'd want it to be. As the poet Tom Petty inked, The waiting is the hardest part. The inaction of it truly bothers me since reaching thirty. Youth is dwindling down and at least a direction should be decided.
With the economy the way that it is I am afraid of making any moves at the moment (not to mention the debt I'm trying to work off to free up money). I've got a secure job in healthcare but I hate myself for being there. But I'm planning. I don't really need for nothing, no real wants, so things should be okay. But, I don't know, it's easier to be ignored by tourists and locals in a resort town than to have to endure the self-degradation of people in the sticks. I began to wonder yesterday why Stephen King lives in rural Maine still. If I had the means I am sure I'd try to keep moving. I like having, say, a base of operations to return to if I wanted; but I have no home and know no where I'd want it to be. As the poet Tom Petty inked, The waiting is the hardest part. The inaction of it truly bothers me since reaching thirty. Youth is dwindling down and at least a direction should be decided.