So a few minutes ago, I had that moment when you realize you're going to have to be on a plane and you got a motherfuckingshitload of stuff to do. But while I get it done I wanna make sure to follow through on this update thing. Oh yeah I'll post some photos from the net of cool stuff I was gonna get for my niece and nephew (3, 5yrs). Maybe good options if you're doing last minute shopping for wee ones... well since I'm on the subject, one is a Barack-in-the- Box. I think that's pretty damn cool for a 5 yr. old. And Obama really is the silver lining this year if he holds true to promise. Shit I can't imagine what it would feel like to have so little hope with McCain in the White House. Check it.
I'm off Wednesday morning to visit the fam. It's a shitty day's travel, and it shall be an interesting trip. looking forward to parts of it at least. Happy Holidays to everyone, more photos in the new year ...
I don't know how well you can run Classic from an external. The rule I memorized was that no OS can be run from a USB drive but you can from a Firewire. But it being Classic I'm not sure. And to clarify, you mean you want to run OS 9? Classic is a part of OS X that allows you to run apps/hardware with OS 9 drivers. OS X 10.3 (Panther) was the last version to really support Classic Mode. I think you have to run Jaguar (10.2) or earlier to be able to boot into OS 9. I know Leopard, and possibly Tiger, never allowed me to install OS 9 or any previous OS on a drive.
If all you want to do is install the OS on that drive you don't have to partition it, just erase. Or if you have to (I can't remember that well at the moment) you just create one partition. If you plan on using the drive for more than just that OS (backups, storage, etc) you can partition; 10 GB will more than cover OS 9 (depends on how many native files you will be storing there besides the operating system). I can't remember if the formatting is the same for all the Mac OSes, I'm thinking it changed with X, but it shouldn't matter since each partition will be formatted to do what you want it to.
Not sure if any of that makes sense... I just got home. Let me know if it helps or if I've confused you more.
As for your comment, I haven't tasted that delicacy for a while either. Probably explains my mental angst.
In your situation I'd stay away from the RAID option. The drive just needs to be formatted so the Erase tab should be utilized. Keep Volume Format as Mac OS Extended (Journaled) and name the drive and try to use the OS 9 install disk(s) to install. If that works just go to Startup Disk in System Preferences; if OS 9 is readable it will appear as an option here.
A couple of alternatives: have you checked the scanners websites to see if they have updated drivers for OS X? Most have a download page (though it depends if they still supported the scanner after OS X came about). ALSO... since you just want to run a scanner driver through OS 9, why can't you just use Classic? I remember my issue now... an Intel Mac can't run OS 9 due to the architecture and then then code was left out of Leopard. But if all you need is the scanner to scan installing the whole of OS 9 seems overkill. If you have a disk, putting it in and double clicking the install thumbnail should launch Classic and run you through the installation steps. Then opening the software should open Classic then the scanning environment. If you don't have a disk, again, check out the downloads website for the manufacturer to find the appropriate driver. I don't know why Classic wouldn't work.
Also, you used the word "only" to describe where you have your media stored ("...files only on a zip drive right now"). This is where I tell you to back them up somewhere else. CD/DVD. on the WD external. Somewhere else "just in case."