Sweeeet. I just got my new F3 and it is in pretty incredible condition... also the guy sold it with all kinds of accessories, like 8 differerent Nikkor filters, right angle finder, eypiece magnifier ( don't know when the hell I'll use that, but I'm sure it'll come in handy one day). It came with a old Nikon flash which is pretty cool, and everything in a hard case. I fuckin' love eBay. I'll prob sell the 105mm f/2.5 (fantanstic lens but I already have one) and eventually the 35mm f/2.5 series E lens. It is going to come in real handy though... I'm shooting a b&w documentary project of the art scene here in Oakland. It's concert photos, art openings, and basically whatever I think looks cool and represents pop culture today. I was inspired to do this partly by a book on toning that I read by Tim Rudman. This british guy published a book with all kinds of info on toning that had never been compiled before... basically saving you hundreds of hours in experimentation it would take to learn how to get certain effects. What I'm imagining right now is using a multiple toning technique with selenium, sepia, and gold. It yields kind of a dark salmon colored print. So because I'm shooting in dimly lit galleries and music venues, I really need some fast lenses which are fucking expensive. I do have a knack for finding great deals (this has convinced me I should get into camera collecting a bit) but I am also fucking poor. Anyway it is a great time to be shooting a film project. People are just dumping equipment. I still need to get these lenses... 50 f/1.4 or 1.2, 35mm f/1.4, 28mm f/2 and I'd love to get a 105mm f/2 vibration reduction lens, but then I'll also need a new camera to use it (F100 or F5). I think I better go start working... have fun kids.
awww you're so sweet, thanksss!

Hope all that shooting and toning is going well. And you speak of it with such passion... wish I had THAT!