so I made some pretty major headway on my bike last night (built from the frame and parts at the bike kitchen) It is gonna be THE SEX. maybe then I can have cute hipster girl....
haha. there are actually a few ladies i'm interested for the first time in a while (well first time in a while they may be available). you know dating and freelance photography are a lot alike if you are a guy. clients pretty much always have what they need. you have to hit them up at just right time, but most of the time even if they don't have someone they don't have the money or they're not available... heartbroken, doing that back and forth 8 mo break up shit, or whatev. anyway, i'm not gonna get too down here, cause I know already this girl i'm gonna see later today is not in a committed relationship and she loves when guys just approach her, and she's bi. yay.