well i decided i am finally am going to keep a journal even tho nobody reads this shit (except for sweet loretta and some people here and there). gives me a reason to get on here and see some fine ass which is good downtime for me right now. i have been working pretty much non-stop for sooooo fucking long i cannot believe it. cannot i tell you. i have been saying to myself for well over a month, oh my god i can't keep doing this i need to set up and get over this hump.) it feels great that stuff is done now but there is still another big ass hump. i don't think i'll know if i will make it over until the new year. so it's gonna be intense, but there will have to be a little playtime here and a little elsewhere, for now at least. this weekend was my vacation and it was pretty tense... lotsa crazy family shit going on. my bro in iraq, my business and my business, my mom selling our house and moving. so i flew across the country friday night, spent the weekend at home, and then flew back monday. i've never gone for that short before, but it was worht just to see the little guys again (my big sis' lil' boy and girl. those two are just precious... will post da pics. back to work!
Thanks your so sweet