quick update. today was my first day photo-assisting again and it was a little crazy but nothing horrible happened. i get a little rusty and then nervous becauasei'm rusty, which compountds the problem. anyway i'm on for tomorrow too, so good stuff. we're doing stills for this reality show with irene marie models. funny how i just ran into a few of those girls on teh beach the other day. i talked to tehm about shoooting and they said they would give my card to their booker. then they told me it was irene marie they're with and I was like, well unfortunatly somethines bookers are a real pain in the ass. and your booker is zoya right? so if you want check out my website, but yeah whatever. i hate bookers. they treat you like the enemy if you're a new photographer. i've never gone into an agency and not waited 30min for a meeting. wait i'm not giong to get into this i have to go to bed. i hate bookers, that is all.

soon to come

haha yeah for you it might would ;P