I suppose ill make this semi-brief. I've decided to try and not be so damn long winded about things...
Sorry to all of you who were counting on me being at Bento this evening. My reason for not showing is three fold really.
1)Money- spent way too much at my Xmas party
2)Health- Wasn't really feeling on the up and up actually...
3)Mentality- Can't really say that i would have been the most fun to hang out with tonight.
So to you guys': Sorry. I don't like people i actually give a shit about being let down. Especially when i do the letting down.
I hope you all had a good time there. There are just a few realities that have been sinking in more and more as of late and I needed to deal with them in my mind. When something gets a hold of me i need to think about it until im just about blue in the face and then it finally gets resolved. Reflection time is what i guess you could call it.
Take care all. I'll see you at the next Bento i hope.

Sorry to all of you who were counting on me being at Bento this evening. My reason for not showing is three fold really.
1)Money- spent way too much at my Xmas party
2)Health- Wasn't really feeling on the up and up actually...

3)Mentality- Can't really say that i would have been the most fun to hang out with tonight.
So to you guys': Sorry. I don't like people i actually give a shit about being let down. Especially when i do the letting down.

I hope you all had a good time there. There are just a few realities that have been sinking in more and more as of late and I needed to deal with them in my mind. When something gets a hold of me i need to think about it until im just about blue in the face and then it finally gets resolved. Reflection time is what i guess you could call it.
Take care all. I'll see you at the next Bento i hope.
I missed ya man, er well I didn't go either. I was sick. but I still missed ya man! Maybe you can stop out to Fado's on Sat?
have fun daddio!