What the fuck.... im still in a major funk and it fucking sucks.
I hate the fact that i don't know what is going to happen over the next couple of days or even the next couple of weeks. I don't like seeing my friends going through funks either or just having a general hard time with life... I really hate it when they go through things like this and they start to withdrawl... It really fucking sucks.
The only reason this is bothering me so much, i think, is because my tail has been very distant the past few days. She's obviously very stressed out. She just graduated and is now hunting for her "big girl job" and is so wound up that we haven't had any opportunities to do anything. That or she was so blah that she didn't want to come out with us.
It's a major bummer. Unfortunatly im taking this a bit personally because i thought that us hanging out would help cheer her up and keep her from being so out of it.
So a question for you all: Am i being an over-reactionary shit head? Or is what im doing somewhat valid? On a side note, if we were just fuck buddy's i would understand, but there are very evident feelings that we have for one another. Just ask anyone who's seen us together.
This is all just so silly....

The only reason this is bothering me so much, i think, is because my tail has been very distant the past few days. She's obviously very stressed out. She just graduated and is now hunting for her "big girl job" and is so wound up that we haven't had any opportunities to do anything. That or she was so blah that she didn't want to come out with us.

So a question for you all: Am i being an over-reactionary shit head? Or is what im doing somewhat valid? On a side note, if we were just fuck buddy's i would understand, but there are very evident feelings that we have for one another. Just ask anyone who's seen us together.

This is all just so silly....

you sound like its bumming you out big time....
but HEY! your not dead!
I've always been there, just when you don't need me, to meddle in your female affairs. And I'm telling you........
Damn boy you are going to drive yourself to an early grave. I've watched you do this to yourself for far too long.
But you alway know that if you ever need some, um....sagelike advice, just gimme a call