Well crap...
Came home early today feeling like total ass and i gotta say that i still feel that way. It almost feels like a cross between my nerves making me sick and actually being physically sick. I'm so twisted up inside right now i just want to curl up in to a ball and pray that it goes away..... its been a very very long time since ive really felt this way. For some reason my rational side can't seem to kick this crap outta my system like it normally does.
Major fucking bummer man.
I hate being a romantic by the way.... it just seems to get in the fucking way. I try and tell myself that im not one, but then my friends come along and slap me back to reality on how big of one i really am.
I hate being a whiney little shit.. i really need to get outta this funk.... I hope tomorrow will prove a bit more positive as im going to finally get back into the gym after 4 days off. And yes, that is a long time for me to be away from the gym.
Came home early today feeling like total ass and i gotta say that i still feel that way. It almost feels like a cross between my nerves making me sick and actually being physically sick. I'm so twisted up inside right now i just want to curl up in to a ball and pray that it goes away..... its been a very very long time since ive really felt this way. For some reason my rational side can't seem to kick this crap outta my system like it normally does.

I hate being a romantic by the way.... it just seems to get in the fucking way. I try and tell myself that im not one, but then my friends come along and slap me back to reality on how big of one i really am.
I hate being a whiney little shit.. i really need to get outta this funk.... I hope tomorrow will prove a bit more positive as im going to finally get back into the gym after 4 days off. And yes, that is a long time for me to be away from the gym.