Bento tonight! Woo hoo! Im sure much debauchery will be had by those who rock out and those who jam out. You all know the rest of those sayings... no need to type the whole thing out...
2 more days untiil final are over for a few of my friends. I'm happy for them as they will be graduating at long last. I have to say im more excited about the one being done as that means i can get back to a normal sexually active schedule.
Kick Ass!
Peace out dawgs. See you all later.

2 more days untiil final are over for a few of my friends. I'm happy for them as they will be graduating at long last. I have to say im more excited about the one being done as that means i can get back to a normal sexually active schedule.

Peace out dawgs. See you all later.
i'm chalk full of promises that never seem to work out, arent i?