A quick observation: I think it's weird how we can identify why it is we like someone so much, but don't think that it is enough.
However, when we like someone and the reasons are a bit more ambiguous, why does it seem so much more appealing?
Where does this come from? I can think of a line of women whom i think i should...
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However, when we like someone and the reasons are a bit more ambiguous, why does it seem so much more appealing?
Where does this come from? I can think of a line of women whom i think i should...
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Well, hello new year.....
Hope all of you crazy kids are doing ok out there.
Work is great, life is great for the most part....
I just need to decide what i want to do about the opposite sex, so many possibilities, so little time.
Odd thing is, i just want this one person in particular to be a potential... just to get to know...
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Hope all of you crazy kids are doing ok out there.
Work is great, life is great for the most part....
I just need to decide what i want to do about the opposite sex, so many possibilities, so little time.
Odd thing is, i just want this one person in particular to be a potential... just to get to know...
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hey there hot stuff!!! good to see that you still come around here every once in a while to update! i miss seeing you at easton when i'm there. le sigh!
I was so fucked up last night i don't even remember updating this thing... now that's entertainment...
I will be working at the Frog, Bear, and Wild Boar in the arena district starting this coming Tuesday. Obviously i will be training the first week, but after that; GAME ON!
Hope to see you all around!

I will be working at the Frog, Bear, and Wild Boar in the arena district starting this coming Tuesday. Obviously i will be training the first week, but after that; GAME ON!
Hope to see you all around!
Happy Birthday Man.
hello? are you alive?
I'm employed again... and i'm happy... and i'm glad i'm single. and i'm glad i can do what i want.
Man do i hate flakes.....
Man do i hate flakes.....
I'm just glad your alive again.
hey man!!! good to see that you're back on and about!!!!!! where ya workin now?
I suppose i should go ahead and update this thing before my membership runs out.
Nothing much going on. Quit my job because our new owners are absolute asshats... gonna get a new one soon. I'll update again when i know where exactly. Got a few options....
I'll update again soon.. later all.
Nothing much going on. Quit my job because our new owners are absolute asshats... gonna get a new one soon. I'll update again when i know where exactly. Got a few options....
I'll update again soon.. later all.
They are only 2 games in.... but with Willie Parker? WOW. If anything, its going to be a really fun season.
Now where are you off to for employment? I only keep in touch with 3 people from Columbus regularly anymore. Sometimes, I almost miss it.
But see, I *had* this lifestyle out there, where I thought I *had* everything. Money, tattoos, my car, my freedom, a fun job, "friends," safety. Here at home, things are much different. I'm still Niki, but a lot of things aren't what I thought were making me. I'm very happy to be here, with people I love and need, and I'd rather have this than what I thought I *had* out there.
I read Conversations with God (1) this summer. If you haven't read it, I can be sure you would really enjoy it.
Now where are you off to for employment? I only keep in touch with 3 people from Columbus regularly anymore. Sometimes, I almost miss it.
But see, I *had* this lifestyle out there, where I thought I *had* everything. Money, tattoos, my car, my freedom, a fun job, "friends," safety. Here at home, things are much different. I'm still Niki, but a lot of things aren't what I thought were making me. I'm very happy to be here, with people I love and need, and I'd rather have this than what I thought I *had* out there.
I read Conversations with God (1) this summer. If you haven't read it, I can be sure you would really enjoy it.
I'm still on MSN. nicoleleesuicide@hotmail
Still learning, still living, stilll going....
I like my new digs and my new roomies. Good people. I'm quite happy about that. I'm glad they tolerate me as well as they do.
Job: Meh, still like what i do, just wish it was still as profitable.
I have the best girlfriend ever too. We may not see eye to eye on all things, but we...
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I like my new digs and my new roomies. Good people. I'm quite happy about that. I'm glad they tolerate me as well as they do.
Job: Meh, still like what i do, just wish it was still as profitable.
I have the best girlfriend ever too. We may not see eye to eye on all things, but we...
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Dude! seriously. WHERE ARE YOU????
*Twiddles thumbs*
The source of my problems this past week has finally been neutralized and i can move on with things just as they were before all the problems started. So nice to have things back to normal again. Chick and I both are for that matter...
I just wish she would have told me sooner what the cause of all this was so i could have...
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I just wish she would have told me sooner what the cause of all this was so i could have...
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hey there, It was great seeing you as usual
I hope you get some tonight

i hope that you guys get things figured out with your jobs and that you don't lose them over something as catty as tonight's situation seemed.
wow...that sucks hardcore man! sounds like maybe you're better off w/o her, even though it might suck for a bit!
girls are fucking crazy sometimes!
girls are fucking crazy sometimes!

thanks for making the Communist rise again. the moment i got home, it pops up.
i lasted a topping 4 days without it, and now... well... all i have is a quote from the Wizard of Oz to say anything. and "anything" is jumbled because i'm hurt. i'm really really hurt that you could let my actions be so constrewed to the point that you take my friendship and willingness to be nothing more than the closest friend and outlet to you POSSIBLE, that you tell me that you have to leave. that you may or may not have taken *what you said and did* that night to trigger what you're accusing me of being "a natural yet unaware decision" or whatever it was you said. you know what i'm talking about.
tonight as you told me this-- my thoughts centered in on your face rather than your words, so they didnt all sink in 100%. and your face was frantic.
i'm not used to you with a frantic face in the least.
regardless, people dont just do that. they dont. and i truly believe that in your heart, you may not have wanted those words to come out of your mouth.
but they did, and now you cant take them back.
this will make a hell of a journal entry for me.
cheers to me searching and trying to reach a standpoint with "good karma" and it backfiring in my face-- just like i told you that it was doing.
ball's in your court. quit changing your mind so much about your standpoint so verbally and explicitly, then you wont lead people to think that you're in need of a shoulder, an ear, a friend.
that's all i've ever wanted to be to you. if you cant see that, then there is absolutely nothing else that i can ever offer you.
as for the Wizard of Oz quote:
"Elvira Gultch. Just because you own half the county doesnt mean that you have the power to run the rest of us. For 23 years I've been dying to tell you what I thought of you. And, well... Being a Christian woman, I cant say it."
until you decide that ive meant no ill will, "unknowingly" or not...
i lasted a topping 4 days without it, and now... well... all i have is a quote from the Wizard of Oz to say anything. and "anything" is jumbled because i'm hurt. i'm really really hurt that you could let my actions be so constrewed to the point that you take my friendship and willingness to be nothing more than the closest friend and outlet to you POSSIBLE, that you tell me that you have to leave. that you may or may not have taken *what you said and did* that night to trigger what you're accusing me of being "a natural yet unaware decision" or whatever it was you said. you know what i'm talking about.
tonight as you told me this-- my thoughts centered in on your face rather than your words, so they didnt all sink in 100%. and your face was frantic.
i'm not used to you with a frantic face in the least.
regardless, people dont just do that. they dont. and i truly believe that in your heart, you may not have wanted those words to come out of your mouth.
but they did, and now you cant take them back.
this will make a hell of a journal entry for me.
cheers to me searching and trying to reach a standpoint with "good karma" and it backfiring in my face-- just like i told you that it was doing.
ball's in your court. quit changing your mind so much about your standpoint so verbally and explicitly, then you wont lead people to think that you're in need of a shoulder, an ear, a friend.
that's all i've ever wanted to be to you. if you cant see that, then there is absolutely nothing else that i can ever offer you.
as for the Wizard of Oz quote:
"Elvira Gultch. Just because you own half the county doesnt mean that you have the power to run the rest of us. For 23 years I've been dying to tell you what I thought of you. And, well... Being a Christian woman, I cant say it."
until you decide that ive meant no ill will, "unknowingly" or not...
That does that i suppose....
That does that i suppose....

im calling you tonight. its going to be "Watch Big Fish @ the Pace's Night" or ELSE!
Been outta commission for a few days everyone... Our internet at my place here has been down due to our server being on the fritz. I should be back now for most of the next few days... or at least until our real server gets fixed.
Hope you are all doin well. Nothing much going on really lately.... just a lot of irrational thinking and...
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Hope you are all doin well. Nothing much going on really lately.... just a lot of irrational thinking and...
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i may not know details of anything thats "getting the better of your intelligent mind," but thats not what is necessary at this point. last night assured me that we are 2 of the same mold and that i can read you as well as you can read me. its a shame that we cant take our own advice.
that there are things and emotions that we both have absolutely no capability of feeling, especially when it comes to an outlet for panic and distress. we are unable to focus on ourselves and putting ourselves first.
you have always been a vital part in my sanity while im here in a strange land. checking on you last night after your chugging from the Patron bottle, taking off your shoes, letting you know that "i've been there too" is nothing but honesty and genuine adoration that i have for you. you mean so much to me, and seeing you ache makes ME ache. simply because we ARE both from the same mold. i know you would do that same for me.
i need you to believe that i am here for you. that my thoughts are linear with yours, and whatever you may need at whatever time... i'm more than willing and capable to offer you whatever it is that your heart desires.
remember: "two lost souls swimmin' in a fish bowl, year after year..."
all my love,
niki lee.
i may not know details of anything thats "getting the better of your intelligent mind," but thats not what is necessary at this point. last night assured me that we are 2 of the same mold and that i can read you as well as you can read me. its a shame that we cant take our own advice.
that there are things and emotions that we both have absolutely no capability of feeling, especially when it comes to an outlet for panic and distress. we are unable to focus on ourselves and putting ourselves first.
you have always been a vital part in my sanity while im here in a strange land. checking on you last night after your chugging from the Patron bottle, taking off your shoes, letting you know that "i've been there too" is nothing but honesty and genuine adoration that i have for you. you mean so much to me, and seeing you ache makes ME ache. simply because we ARE both from the same mold. i know you would do that same for me.
i need you to believe that i am here for you. that my thoughts are linear with yours, and whatever you may need at whatever time... i'm more than willing and capable to offer you whatever it is that your heart desires.
remember: "two lost souls swimmin' in a fish bowl, year after year..."
all my love,
niki lee.
We just wanted to say 'we love ya, dude'
and from me...my favorite quote that I don't know how to spell...
"Que ser a' ser a' " Whatever will be will be.
Good times last night.
you can chug from the patron bottle any time you want
talk to ya later
che and dave

and from me...my favorite quote that I don't know how to spell...
"Que ser a' ser a' " Whatever will be will be.
Good times last night.

talk to ya later
che and dave
Holy inactivity batman!
I haven't done anything with this in so long.... i feel like a fucking slacker.
Hope you are all doing ok out there.
I guess the only reason i haven't written anything lately is because i really haven't had much to say... and i guess i still don't.
Oh, i guess i could say this: I need money... badly. I had to...
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I haven't done anything with this in so long.... i feel like a fucking slacker.

Hope you are all doing ok out there.
I guess the only reason i haven't written anything lately is because i really haven't had much to say... and i guess i still don't.
Oh, i guess i could say this: I need money... badly. I had to...
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Thanks for not kicking me out last night....I'm a drunken embarassment!
I do that once every year or two. But like any bipolar...."I SURE AM HAPPY TODAY"....and it'll last me then next year or so. So hopefully I didn't make too big a fool of myself....(i wouldn't know...since its all a blur)
Hope you guys can come over Sunday and hang out.....
Hey, it'll be a free day/night of drinking
and a hell of a lot of fun!
We'll give ya a call (or a text if Dave can figure it out) if we don't see you tonight at the bar.

Hope you guys can come over Sunday and hang out.....
Hey, it'll be a free day/night of drinking

and a hell of a lot of fun!
We'll give ya a call (or a text if Dave can figure it out) if we don't see you tonight at the bar.