I'm starting to get more and more disappointed in this site:-( which is horrible since i loved the concept of it however.r.. it is NOTHING what it once was.... i'm still upset over the Palo set being rejected... more so than i think anyone else who helped out... however.. it just makes no sence... they said that they didn't think the quality of the set was good enough for a second set... if that is so... how can they say that yet post these past SG sets.... like today for an example... Lily.... it's like her 100th set basically and the quality of her has never been decent... let alone good. it just bothers me soooo much becuase the set that Murkling and Palo did was fucken fantastic. please if you agree with me which if you don't you are clearly a fucken idiot , please email missy and let her know that Palo's set that was rejected should n't have been and that it was beautiful and they need to post it even though Palo posted it in her pics... i think that it shoud be broadcasted and yeah... so email her and tell her that it needs to be done and all that... thank you... and for everyone that emails her... i will make sure you get something nice like. but i'm goign to have to get proof that you sent it in. thank you
I'm going to miss you so much if you go. And then you wont be able to see my set when it goes up!