okay so somethign weird is goign on because this account is still up.... however i still have the other account Raedyns so i don't know whats going on here... however... i am getting new jobs which is great... i'll talk more about it at a later time... and um i colored my hair... and its awesome so now i must cut it a little...
I remeber my account seemed to go on for longer than it seemed like it was supposed to before I paid to keep it going...which I assumed ( incorrectly I'm sure..lol) meant that I just rocked extra hard..ahhh well, glad you're still here to be ogled by geeks such as myself!

Oh, I'm always oogling you..I'm creepy like that...lol. So did someone re-up your account? That's pretty damn sweet..and one of the many things I consider too cool to ever happen to me. I guess there are hordes of people oogling you, so here's to the person ( I have a sneaking suspicion it's a dude..) who kept your account on, and let's all hope ( for his sake of course) to see many more future sets of you! Really tho', glad to hear that anothe cool chick is gonna be on here, we need as many as we can get.