fucken people at Quincy Medical Center Rehab are fucking Cunts!!! they just called me about how i missed my last two appointments of which i was never given a confirmation call and the appointments are not shown on my print out that they gave me... so they called my mother in laws house of which i don't live at and told her to tell me that they were going to cancel my appointments and send in a letter to workmans comp so that i would have to pay for everything.... and she (KATHY) was the biggest cunt... i sat there and said sorry i'm sorry for what seemed like forever and she still just sat there and said "uh huh make it to your next one on the 13th at 1230 okay thanks" click.
i'm totally going to smell like shit that day and she can't do anything about it... KATHY THAT ONE'S FOR YOU!

yeah i just googled the name Kathy and then Cunt... that's what i got.... and that's all i needed....
however within the google image search of the word 'cunt'....this beautiful creature was on the same page... dunno why...
i'm totally going to smell like shit that day and she can't do anything about it... KATHY THAT ONE'S FOR YOU!

yeah i just googled the name Kathy and then Cunt... that's what i got.... and that's all i needed....
however within the google image search of the word 'cunt'....this beautiful creature was on the same page... dunno why...
i hate Spam mail....
Also, I kind of miss this lady:
"We think... if you have sex in a bathroom, you will get cancer."