my long weave that i took out yesterday.
so since the only type of radio i listen to is sports radio... WEEI mainly.... all this talk about what schilling said about bonds is bullshit... for once i gave schilling "balls-respect" and then within the hour it seemed like he just fucken threw it away and puss'd out with his 'i'm sorry' blog. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so it pissed me off so much... i called into the radio... and i was suprised that i could figure out how to things other than "that guy is a fucken prick...fuck...fuck.... fuck....cock sucker....fuck" i mean i was still pissed and called schilling out but then again who the fuck am i hahahha.... man...no one can handle me on their radio station.
Bonds is a fucken cheat.
Schilling is a fucken puss....you almost had me there man.....should have just stuck to what you said about him and not puss out.

i'm sure it is. you need to come with the pictures more often is what you need to do. 
