So as you have read... it's been really a rough time lately... my friend had to sign for her fathers body and that was just such an awful thing to go through... i can't imagine and she found out that she is unable to have an open casket due to how badly he was beaten to death.
they have one person in custody... however he is pleading self deffense and doesn't have a scratch on him so i hope that won't hold up in court.
ugh but i've been trying to feel better... i hung out with my Boston clan and bought guitar hero... and Seth and I were amazing! hahaha
so yeah i've been trying to keep upbeat so i think i'm goign to do a PSW set tomorrow... i'll have some regular pictures up tomorrow too maybe tonight i dunno. but thank you to everyone's kind words about this awful time

they have one person in custody... however he is pleading self deffense and doesn't have a scratch on him so i hope that won't hold up in court.
ugh but i've been trying to feel better... i hung out with my Boston clan and bought guitar hero... and Seth and I were amazing! hahaha
so yeah i've been trying to keep upbeat so i think i'm goign to do a PSW set tomorrow... i'll have some regular pictures up tomorrow too maybe tonight i dunno. but thank you to everyone's kind words about this awful time

have i ever told you that you are exactly.. and when i say exactly i mean it.. you are exactly the kind of girl i want to be mine.
money is on the way as soon as I get the check.