DUe to the onslaught of e-mails and such wondering if I'm coming out to Calgary on New Years...
Ummm I'm gonna go with probably not. Which breaks my heart as i do miss all of you calgarians...but if I came it would only be contention and unhappy between me and people.
Well person...NOT misguided! Before anyone who saw our little spat points fingers.
It's something...
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Ummm I'm gonna go with probably not. Which breaks my heart as i do miss all of you calgarians...but if I came it would only be contention and unhappy between me and people.
Well person...NOT misguided! Before anyone who saw our little spat points fingers.
It's something...
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yeah, ok I guess i is owing an explanation... well here i was all happy with this community, then I found out just what a few members of this group were thinking and saying about me. Don't get me wrong most of you are blameless. But I don't want to live life like I'm in highschool anymore so...I'm done wrapping it up...saying goodbye...But hey I'll...
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Well that sucks!!!! here's my e-mail if you want to get together sometime robbielapointe@hotmail.com
Damn it girl I just found out you were back! Oh well I hope you're still gonna make new years.
huh... well then goodbye all. I'm out!
What's going on?
Feels like you just got here...
what's up?
what's up?
All is well safely rest god is nye...
unless you mean bill nye the science guy. who is, in all honesty, kind of godlike.
unless you mean bill nye the science guy. who is, in all honesty, kind of godlike.
Hahahahaha Victory is mine
I now have internet in my room
I can now update all the time,
download porn, and best of all STUDY and NOT FAIL!!!!
well ok the porn is still the best part but I'm actually suprisingly psyched about studying.
Probably because I'm not as sex obsessed as I seem...well ok I am but I have just strated dating a Model...
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I now have internet in my room
I can now update all the time,
download porn, and best of all STUDY and NOT FAIL!!!!
well ok the porn is still the best part but I'm actually suprisingly psyched about studying.
Probably because I'm not as sex obsessed as I seem...well ok I am but I have just strated dating a Model...
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Ok so my nipples feel like they are on fire and swollen...but they look normal...and they aren't oozing or anything...Yargh!
Oh well
I just had the weirdaest week.
First I had some of the most Argggravating convoes with an ex ever!
"But...but...but we could have made it work..."
It's annoying because I'm always friends...
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Ok so my nipples feel like they are on fire and swollen...but they look normal...and they aren't oozing or anything...Yargh!
Oh well
I just had the weirdaest week.
First I had some of the most Argggravating convoes with an ex ever!
"But...but...but we could have made it work..."
It's annoying because I'm always friends...
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You had a combination of the grinch and Scrooge there....so which one is it. Or should I just refer to you as the grooge or Scrinch....O.k. that was lame.
Anyhow, if you have any pictures to get developped you can stop by the mall. I work at Japan Camera.....
Anyhow, if you have any pictures to get developped you can stop by the mall. I work at Japan Camera.....

How long has it been since you've been playing Bass?
Well he's gone back to BC. I'm devastated...or maybe just poorly motivated...or maybe just drunk.
Either way it sucks that he's gone. But it doesn't really matter cuz I've got friends who love me and plenty of reasons to smile..."sniff"...Nah actually I'm doing ok. I've become so much closer to somany people. I'm growing musically and poetically. And I'm now one hundred percent Travis free....
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Either way it sucks that he's gone. But it doesn't really matter cuz I've got friends who love me and plenty of reasons to smile..."sniff"...Nah actually I'm doing ok. I've become so much closer to somany people. I'm growing musically and poetically. And I'm now one hundred percent Travis free....
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sounds like there's an interesting tory behind this....
Do you play any instruments?
sorry to hear about your "boy"
sorry to hear about your "boy"
So I get a call on saturday, from the most gorgeous girl!
(tall, thin, red hair, curvy) She asks me if I'd like to go see her at suburbs. my heart leaps, my extremities start throbbing, i flash back to our last encounter wich involved a frantic makeout session and several long kisses goodbye.
So I get geared up to go and give a...
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So I get a call on saturday, from the most gorgeous girl!
(tall, thin, red hair, curvy) She asks me if I'd like to go see her at suburbs. my heart leaps, my extremities start throbbing, i flash back to our last encounter wich involved a frantic makeout session and several long kisses goodbye.
So I get geared up to go and give a...
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hey all I'm having a frustrating time so updates will be few and far between.
Hey, I think we met this weekend...
Hope things aren't too frustrasting - take care.
[Edited on Nov 09, 2004 1:31PM]
Hope things aren't too frustrasting - take care.
[Edited on Nov 09, 2004 1:31PM]
Alright misguided has been on my ass to update so I will. I'm STRESSED!!!
Ican barely sleep I'm so stressed...which sucks cus the other night when an attractive young man came calling I fell asleep on the couch without doing anything about hi compeling attractiveness...for the third time!
Sleep is the devil!
No wait the Election is the Devil! I am working 8-12 hours a...
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Ican barely sleep I'm so stressed...which sucks cus the other night when an attractive young man came calling I fell asleep on the couch without doing anything about hi compeling attractiveness...for the third time!
Sleep is the devil!
No wait the Election is the Devil! I am working 8-12 hours a...
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Hey - you'd know an answer to this: when's the soonest I can cast an early ballot? cuz i won't know the next time i'm going to leave for work, and I'd like to make sure i get a vote cast in case I'm away...
ps - thanks for the bud....i slept like a baby
ps - thanks for the bud....i slept like a baby

Hey all I'm back. After a mind blowing, breathtaking and purse emptying trip, I'm back, safe sound and a little wiser(I hope). Israel was glorious, disappointing, and full of the attractive jewish boys my father has been insisting exist (unfortunately non of the the "nice, doctor types" he approves of.")
After Israel, I hit Barcelona, where I became a street performer (thanks to two more...
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After Israel, I hit Barcelona, where I became a street performer (thanks to two more...
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woo! Welcome back love! Barcelona is so fucking awesome. Did you see the sangrada familiala?
aah...helpful piercings.......
must look into this strange phenomenon...
welcome back, btw
must look into this strange phenomenon...

welcome back, btw

Haaaaa, Everyone should live like this. THe kibbutz is beautifull, the weed is plentifull, the boys are so attractive I could...ok who am I kidding I did...
Things are pretty fantastic here, We work hard in the morning, then we eat, drink, swim, frolic, get drunk, smoke dope, frolic, sleep, frolic, swim, go to bed and then wake up and do it all again...
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Things are pretty fantastic here, We work hard in the morning, then we eat, drink, swim, frolic, get drunk, smoke dope, frolic, sleep, frolic, swim, go to bed and then wake up and do it all again...
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Bonne Fete!!!!!