Iphone how I love you and hate you. You make life a lot easiser and keep happiness among your users, until that one day comes were you slightly drop it on the ground and you decided to make your whole front and rear face crack!
So who would of thought that there would be some fucked up people in the world? Well I guess some of us can attest to meeting some fucked up ones but let me tell you about some craziness. So while at work we get a walk in and he begins to explain his situation, dude was on skype and met chick they both began to...
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So here I am working midnight shift and who decides to come in drunk as hell, the Bieb! well the THE Bieb but a look alike wearing his shirt. Only if I had my phone with me at the time it would have been epic. So he comes in shouting and swearing up a storm when he looks at fellow and begins to vomit all...
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Happy new years to everyone, hopefully the new year is starting on good for you. I would have to say if you ever decide to go to Europe for New years Berlin is the place to be. With other 1 million people and fireworks being popped for the last 4 hours of the night things were good.
What a day, after thinking that I have seen everything there is to have seen and hear everything there is to have heard it seems that living in a different country their will always be something to be learned.

So while working today, we were called to assist someone who had been injured in a car accident, when we arrived this guy seemed to be...
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Its nice but it might be time to visit a warmer country

Prague was good cant complain about the currency exchange rate or the price a beer. I do have to say though the night life is pretty crazy out there!EL SUICIDO LOCOEL SUICIDO LOCObok
haha, howww crazy?
Well, we made it past the end of the world, so now lets start to enjoy all the good things offered in Prague