5 hours later here i am in a open shack freezing my
off starring at n
off starring at n
othing but snow
Apple Products, I bought an Iphone and within a few days the screen has already cracked. You would think that after years of replacing screens that they would construct something that was a bit stronger. Sadly now I have to resort to an Android since there more affordable
piss test, dont you just love how random they are even though they tend to happen to you all the time. Makes me seem like im a bad guy or something. So there I am shorts half was down my ass when I went to pull my swang out this long piece of hair was stuck to my cock and the over looker goes dude...
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A Day off and i dont know what to do with myself. This is so rare that it seems like I have like forever in a year to do as I please. Maybe go hiking, hit the gym, climb some rocks???? Lets just start it off with a nice cold one
thank you!!
Way to start the weekend off, working 5 hours longer than I should have. Not only did I have to chase a guy for 1 mile through the woods in about -6c with so much gear on I had to evacuate a block of homes becuase some little girl who decied to prank call a house and say there was a bomb in there residence....
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What another glorious day in Germany, a way to start the Martin Luther King Holiday. Same time last year I remember sitting out on the beach drinking some brew getting ready to start a bomb fire, now here I am -4c and I am trying to get all the snow off my car or I'll end up with a ticket. German Police are something they...
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Don't you just love when you get called into work and then after all is said and done you just sat in a chair and did nothing. Then your boss looks over to you and says eghhh I guess I did not need you after all...
I never wanted to puch someone in the face so bad ! FUCK YOU COUNTERMAN
I never wanted to puch someone in the face so bad ! FUCK YOU COUNTERMAN
I dont know why but I just sat and watched a whole 4 mins of someone doing the chicken dance. What is wrong with me!???????????????????
Today I will attend my first German hockey game, lets see if they get down like they do in america