So I decided to go to a soirée for escorts and clients.

The whole purpose of this hush-hush event is for sex workers to meet potential “customers.” Test drive a car before purchasing, if you will. Only you’re not “riding” them and women aren’t cars.

This particular “meet & greet” is arranged a few times a year by some guy in his swanky loft who
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Interesting experience

I’m a bad, bad, dangerous, awful man. I got put in Twitter jail over the weekend for telling NRA cunt Dana Loesch to “Die and eat shit.” Apparently the thousands of trolls, white supremacists and other wackos (like Donald Trump) that harass and threaten people on a daily basis aren’t credible threats like I am. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve reported vile
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I usually don’t know it’s Friday the 13th until it isn’t anymore. Unfortunately, I found out on Facebook (another reason to hate Facebook) this morning that today’s the day. So far, the only “unlucky” thing to happen today is my Bluetooth headphones haven’t been shipped yet from Amazon after I ordered them Wednesday. I’m still alive to type this so obviously Friday the 13th is
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First warm day of the year in Chicago! It’s the one day of spring we get every year! It’s also the day I realized how much weight I gained over the long winter and have to cut carbs and go to spin class. Get back to me in May when I’m 15 pounds lighter...hopefully. Lots of chicken breasts and spinach, folks. Yeah. 😅😬😓🚵🏽♂️


I have an opportunity to go a meet & greet for sex workers and clients next week. I’m curious as to what kind of vibe it will be. Has anyone ever been to this type of “party?” Should I go?