Marvin has an appointment at the vet's for a checkup and shots today at 2:20. Wish me luck getting him into the cardboard cat carrier (the "Cosmic Pet Shuttle", I kid you not) and getting him there in one piece!!!
Other than that, just feeling OK, kinda out of sorts today. Byron was in another weird mood when he got home yesterday, so that kind of brought my good feelings down a few notches. We're going up to visit Mom this weekend and see my old bellydancing and UU cohorts, so that should be fun.
Oh, and there are 3 new programs up for your listening and dancing pleasure at Radio Bastet. Shimmy on, my children.
Other than that, just feeling OK, kinda out of sorts today. Byron was in another weird mood when he got home yesterday, so that kind of brought my good feelings down a few notches. We're going up to visit Mom this weekend and see my old bellydancing and UU cohorts, so that should be fun.
Oh, and there are 3 new programs up for your listening and dancing pleasure at Radio Bastet. Shimmy on, my children.
I sometimes think weird moods are metabolic.
have fun with mom this weekend