It may not seem like such a big deal, but it actually stopped raining long enough for me to get the friggin' lawns mowed!! OK, they're not that big, but we use a push mower, and there's a little more elbow grease involved. Then I picked some flowers from the yard for my altar: bluebells, grape hyacinth, bleeding hearts (how appropriate for this bleeding-heart radical [I passed liberal a long time ago]!), even a sprig of mint (we've got tons of it in the backyard). It was great having Byron's sister over to visit a couple weekends ago; she's a Master Gardener, so we walked her around the front and back yards and had her tell us which plants were what, what might go well in this or that space, should we get rid of this and replace it with that, etc. We were following her around taking notes (me) and snapping pictures (Byron). It was kind of cute, actually. Then later we went to the Portland Nursery and she went completely nuts! That was cute too.
Also broke up a minor skirmish between Marvin and Trouble, the cat next door who certainly has earned his name. Those two just don't get along. We definitely need to get Marvin to the vet's before our trip; he needs a good check-up and also, ahem, a certain operation...
I'm still reeling from Al's Naughty Nun set!! What a scorcher!!!
I almost became a nun. The cloistered, contemplative type. For real. Sometimes, I have to be honest, I still daydream about it. Oh well, it obviously wasn't meant to be. If I had become one, I was going to take the name Mary Magdalene. Even though all the scholarly evidence indicates that MM was *not* a whore (if you read the Bible, the whore who washed Jesus' feet and dried them with her hair is never named), I still like the idea of her representing the fallen woman saved by some kind of grace. I love the novel "The Moon Under Her Feet" by Clysta Kinstler, which portrays MM as a Priestess of Isis and the lover of Yeshua (Jesus)... Oh, yes!!!!
Also broke up a minor skirmish between Marvin and Trouble, the cat next door who certainly has earned his name. Those two just don't get along. We definitely need to get Marvin to the vet's before our trip; he needs a good check-up and also, ahem, a certain operation...
I'm still reeling from Al's Naughty Nun set!! What a scorcher!!!
I appreciate the advice, but Im lost as to when your supposed to know its right? Ive watched everyone around me fail in their relationships - including me. And I hold marrage as a sacred thing and dont think I will ever actually go threw with it just for the fact that it scares the hell out of me - not to mention I have completely fallen in love with someone Ive never really met!