When God was making man and woman, he came down to the final touches, and
he gathered the man and woman together and said, "I have lovely parting
gifts for each of you. You may each choose one. The first is that you stand
up to urinate..."
"ME! OH MEE! ME ME ME ME ME ME!" cried, of course, the man.
"Are you certain?" asked God.
"Yes oh yes oh yes! How cool! Aiming and everything! Rad!" exclaimed the man.
"All right," replied God, "you now have to the power to stand when you pee
and 'aim', as you so adorably put it."
He turned to the woman, who looked a bit annoyed at not even getting to
speak, and said, "And you, my child, get multiple orgasms."
he gathered the man and woman together and said, "I have lovely parting
gifts for each of you. You may each choose one. The first is that you stand
up to urinate..."
"ME! OH MEE! ME ME ME ME ME ME!" cried, of course, the man.
"Are you certain?" asked God.
"Yes oh yes oh yes! How cool! Aiming and everything! Rad!" exclaimed the man.
"All right," replied God, "you now have to the power to stand when you pee
and 'aim', as you so adorably put it."
He turned to the woman, who looked a bit annoyed at not even getting to
speak, and said, "And you, my child, get multiple orgasms."

My Thanksgiving was great. I spent it with my mom and brother who I hadn't seen in a year and a half. Yay! And it looks like I'll be going through Portland around the holidays sometime. I'm not sure of the exact day yet, but I'll let you know, and we have to meet up!!!