Tarot card for today:
Five of Swords. "Humiliation, dishonor, loss."
Hey - the car is fixed, OK? I'm over it! Really!!
It's Journal Poetry Day! And today I give you something from The Thousand and One Nights, as found in A Sacred Sex Devotional. Being a bellydancer and all, I thought it was only fitting...
Sleeper, the palm trees drink the breathless noon,
A golden bee sucks at a fainting rose,
Your lips smile in their sleep. Oh, do not move.
Sleeper, oh, do not move the gilded gauze
Which lies about your gold, or you will scare
The sun's gold fire which leaps within your crystal.
Sleeper, oh, do not move. Your breasts in sleep,
Allah, they dip and fall like waves at sea;
Your breasts are snow, I breathe them like sea foam,
I taste them like white salt. They dip and fall.
Sleeper, they dip and fall. The smiling stream stifles its laugh, the gold bee on the leaf
Dies of much love and rosy drunkenness,
My eyes burn the red grapes upon your breast.
Sleeper, oh, let them burn, let my heart's flower,
Fed on the rose and sandal of your flesh,
Burst like a poppy in this solitude,
In this cool silence.
Five of Swords. "Humiliation, dishonor, loss."
Hey - the car is fixed, OK? I'm over it! Really!!

It's Journal Poetry Day! And today I give you something from The Thousand and One Nights, as found in A Sacred Sex Devotional. Being a bellydancer and all, I thought it was only fitting...
Sleeper, the palm trees drink the breathless noon,
A golden bee sucks at a fainting rose,
Your lips smile in their sleep. Oh, do not move.
Sleeper, oh, do not move the gilded gauze
Which lies about your gold, or you will scare
The sun's gold fire which leaps within your crystal.
Sleeper, oh, do not move. Your breasts in sleep,
Allah, they dip and fall like waves at sea;
Your breasts are snow, I breathe them like sea foam,
I taste them like white salt. They dip and fall.
Sleeper, they dip and fall. The smiling stream stifles its laugh, the gold bee on the leaf
Dies of much love and rosy drunkenness,
My eyes burn the red grapes upon your breast.
Sleeper, oh, let them burn, let my heart's flower,
Fed on the rose and sandal of your flesh,
Burst like a poppy in this solitude,
In this cool silence.

I would love to come to Portland. So very much. There seem to be so many cool people there. If money and time permit, I will certainly make the long drive.
School is going well. I'm really enjoying it. The people are great. It's just a lot of long hours. And they're getting longer now. But I think I'll be alright.
I have to get to bed really badly now though. Must get up in the morning. Hopefully I'll see you on AIM some time. I hardly have a free moment these days. But I'll try!