Okey doke, let's get this show back on the road. The Tarot deck for this week is the Aquarian, one of my favorites. And our card for today is:
Queen of Rods. "A warm, honorable woman, devoted to her family and loyal to her friends. Card may signify also some success in business."
I almost always get Rods (Staffs, Wands) and Cups when I do readings for myself. Weird.
Yes, we had a good trip in spite of certain setbacks. When we got to the airport, Byron realized that he had forgotten his drivers' license. You need picture ID to get on the plane these days, and also for car rentals. When we got to the gate he told the lady there what had happened, and they had a federal inspector come over and search him and his carry-on extremely thoroughly, look at the ID he did have, and he got on the plane, thank Goddess. On the plane he called his friend and coworker who was going to come over and check on Marvin, and asked him to go to the house and find his license and send it to us at my dad's house. Then when we got to SLC, of course the car rental place wouldn't rent him a car without photo ID. So the guy gave us a card for "Discount Car Rentals" and said they would probably be able to help us. They weren't at the airport, of course, so we had to take a cab over there. Then some paperwork to fill out. A guy there with his wife asked me about my tattoos and showed me his; "I don't usually like color, but yours look pretty good!" So we finally got the stupid car, and of course I had to drive. We got to the hotel OK, but on the way to Dad's I got lost, and Byron said "I don't care what they say, I'm going to drive." So he did, as he has a much better sense of direction than I do. We finally got there, had some dinner and listened to Dad's wife Cindy talk on and on and on and on, then she went to pick up my half-bro Nick from his work, and I finally got to see him. It was good, but by the time we got back to the hotel we were wiped out.
Sunday and Monday we just hung out and rested. Hit a couple of bookstores and walked around downtown. I stuck some SG stickers around town, but unfortunately the pics got wiped out when we went through security on the way home
..... (not all our pics got wiped out; check My Pics for a few that survived.)
Tuesday was Dad and Cindy's silver anniversary, so we met them in the evening and headed out to her folks' place, where a very loud card game called Shanghai ensued. Cindy's older unmarried brother still lives with his folks, and then Cindy's sister Holly who I hung out with when I visited before came over with her 5 kids, and things got REALLY loud. It was kinda fun, but again, at the end of the evening we were fried.
Wednesday we found some thrift shops, and that was pretty cool. We also read in the local paper about this restaurant that has no menu and no prices; you eat what they fix that day, and you pay what you think it's worth. We went there for lunch, and of course there wasn't anything left except salad fixings, so we had some of that. It's really not a restaurant so much as like a little kitchen. It was very, very cool. A news crew had been there that morning, another one came by while we were there, and later that day while watching CNN we saw it mentioned in the "crawler" at the bottom of the screen. While in SLC, check it out: the One World Cafe. An oasis of cool in the desert. Actually, we found SLC to be not nearly as uptight as its reputation may suggest. You just have to know where to look, I guess... And speaking of which, we also stopped at Burt's Tiki Lounge with great expectations, to rather disappointingly discover that it is neither tiki nor a lounge. It's a dirty punk-rock dive bar right next to a tattoo parlor. OK, nothing wrong with that, but it wasn't what we expected. Oh well, it was good for a rum and coke, and they now have 3 SG stickers on their grungy walls...
Thursday we got together with the family again and went to the Bingham Canyon Copper Mine, and then up to Park City and had some lunch. By the end of the day I don't think I could have listened to Dad and Cindy bickering for one more second... I love them both dearly, but they go back and forth on the silliest things and get on each other's nerves so easily, and Nick gets in on it too. He is convinced that he's not going to live to Dad's age (75) because he's a Christian. Not sure what he meant by that... The end of the world is nigh, or something like that. Oh well......
Friday we headed home, and on the bus back to the house we read in the Willamette Week that Bruce Campbell's appearance that evening at Cinema21 had been cancelled. Nuts. Actually, we were kind of grateful, as we were pretty wiped out and appreciated the chance to spend the evening at home. Marvin didn't appear immediately after we got home, but he soon did, and he hasn't let us out of his sight since.
We didn't go to the Twilight Rummage Sale yesterday. We've got so much stuff to do around here, and school starts tomorrow too. But, things seem to be getting back to normal around here; the hideous summer heat is over with (I hope), and my favorite time of the year is approaching... Byron just got out of the shower, and he's standing here naked talking to his mom on the phone. Life is good.
Queen of Rods. "A warm, honorable woman, devoted to her family and loyal to her friends. Card may signify also some success in business."
I almost always get Rods (Staffs, Wands) and Cups when I do readings for myself. Weird.
Yes, we had a good trip in spite of certain setbacks. When we got to the airport, Byron realized that he had forgotten his drivers' license. You need picture ID to get on the plane these days, and also for car rentals. When we got to the gate he told the lady there what had happened, and they had a federal inspector come over and search him and his carry-on extremely thoroughly, look at the ID he did have, and he got on the plane, thank Goddess. On the plane he called his friend and coworker who was going to come over and check on Marvin, and asked him to go to the house and find his license and send it to us at my dad's house. Then when we got to SLC, of course the car rental place wouldn't rent him a car without photo ID. So the guy gave us a card for "Discount Car Rentals" and said they would probably be able to help us. They weren't at the airport, of course, so we had to take a cab over there. Then some paperwork to fill out. A guy there with his wife asked me about my tattoos and showed me his; "I don't usually like color, but yours look pretty good!" So we finally got the stupid car, and of course I had to drive. We got to the hotel OK, but on the way to Dad's I got lost, and Byron said "I don't care what they say, I'm going to drive." So he did, as he has a much better sense of direction than I do. We finally got there, had some dinner and listened to Dad's wife Cindy talk on and on and on and on, then she went to pick up my half-bro Nick from his work, and I finally got to see him. It was good, but by the time we got back to the hotel we were wiped out.
Sunday and Monday we just hung out and rested. Hit a couple of bookstores and walked around downtown. I stuck some SG stickers around town, but unfortunately the pics got wiped out when we went through security on the way home

Tuesday was Dad and Cindy's silver anniversary, so we met them in the evening and headed out to her folks' place, where a very loud card game called Shanghai ensued. Cindy's older unmarried brother still lives with his folks, and then Cindy's sister Holly who I hung out with when I visited before came over with her 5 kids, and things got REALLY loud. It was kinda fun, but again, at the end of the evening we were fried.
Wednesday we found some thrift shops, and that was pretty cool. We also read in the local paper about this restaurant that has no menu and no prices; you eat what they fix that day, and you pay what you think it's worth. We went there for lunch, and of course there wasn't anything left except salad fixings, so we had some of that. It's really not a restaurant so much as like a little kitchen. It was very, very cool. A news crew had been there that morning, another one came by while we were there, and later that day while watching CNN we saw it mentioned in the "crawler" at the bottom of the screen. While in SLC, check it out: the One World Cafe. An oasis of cool in the desert. Actually, we found SLC to be not nearly as uptight as its reputation may suggest. You just have to know where to look, I guess... And speaking of which, we also stopped at Burt's Tiki Lounge with great expectations, to rather disappointingly discover that it is neither tiki nor a lounge. It's a dirty punk-rock dive bar right next to a tattoo parlor. OK, nothing wrong with that, but it wasn't what we expected. Oh well, it was good for a rum and coke, and they now have 3 SG stickers on their grungy walls...

Thursday we got together with the family again and went to the Bingham Canyon Copper Mine, and then up to Park City and had some lunch. By the end of the day I don't think I could have listened to Dad and Cindy bickering for one more second... I love them both dearly, but they go back and forth on the silliest things and get on each other's nerves so easily, and Nick gets in on it too. He is convinced that he's not going to live to Dad's age (75) because he's a Christian. Not sure what he meant by that... The end of the world is nigh, or something like that. Oh well......
Friday we headed home, and on the bus back to the house we read in the Willamette Week that Bruce Campbell's appearance that evening at Cinema21 had been cancelled. Nuts. Actually, we were kind of grateful, as we were pretty wiped out and appreciated the chance to spend the evening at home. Marvin didn't appear immediately after we got home, but he soon did, and he hasn't let us out of his sight since.

We didn't go to the Twilight Rummage Sale yesterday. We've got so much stuff to do around here, and school starts tomorrow too. But, things seem to be getting back to normal around here; the hideous summer heat is over with (I hope), and my favorite time of the year is approaching... Byron just got out of the shower, and he's standing here naked talking to his mom on the phone. Life is good.

its just on tv
you were here?
well glad you liked it