Today's tarot card is:
Four of Staffs. "Divinatory Meanings: Romance. Society. Harmony. Newly acquired prosperity. Tranquility. The fruits of labor. Rest after strife."
Sounds good; I could sure use some...
Some random thoughts/questions that have been floating around in my head recently:
When are guys going to start growing their hair out again? The bald/buzz cut looks are so very played out.
Why is it that so many people seem to think that the worst thing they can say to someone else is, "I fucked your mom"? If you know it ain't true, what the hell difference does it make? And besides, you fucked my mom? Dude - you MUST be desperate. (exceptions are made for hot mommas like cakemix...
) The insultor comes out looking worse than the insultee. Reminds me of the time Quinn tried to rat out Daria to her parents with this: "I asked her to do my homework for me, and she made me pay!" *parents stare* "Uh - never mind..."
Why does this generation in particular seem inordinately obsessed with bodily functions? Yeah, we thought they were funny back in grade school and junior high. But then something amazing happened - we grew up and suddenly other things started occupying us. These folks are in their 20's and 30's and the obsession is stronger than ever. Yes, our bodies do funny things - accept it, make peace with it, get over it, and move on for chrissakes.
OK. You can all carry on with your lives now.
Four of Staffs. "Divinatory Meanings: Romance. Society. Harmony. Newly acquired prosperity. Tranquility. The fruits of labor. Rest after strife."
Sounds good; I could sure use some...
Some random thoughts/questions that have been floating around in my head recently:
When are guys going to start growing their hair out again? The bald/buzz cut looks are so very played out.
Why is it that so many people seem to think that the worst thing they can say to someone else is, "I fucked your mom"? If you know it ain't true, what the hell difference does it make? And besides, you fucked my mom? Dude - you MUST be desperate. (exceptions are made for hot mommas like cakemix...

Why does this generation in particular seem inordinately obsessed with bodily functions? Yeah, we thought they were funny back in grade school and junior high. But then something amazing happened - we grew up and suddenly other things started occupying us. These folks are in their 20's and 30's and the obsession is stronger than ever. Yes, our bodies do funny things - accept it, make peace with it, get over it, and move on for chrissakes.
OK. You can all carry on with your lives now.

I don't think I can make it to Cp;inema 21 - I usually work swing shift on Fridays.