The tarot card for today is:
Ace of Rods. "The source and origin of spiritual strength. The seed of inspiration and creation."
That is something I can definitely get behind today! I'm doing my flame-tending thing with the Ord Brighideach. I'm in the Ash cell, 12th shift.
I AM FREE!!!!!!! For the next month, at least. I guess I did OK on the algebra test. There were several times when I was close to tears, ready to throw things against the wall, turn over tables, etc. I always manage to put the wrong thing in my notes (we were allowed one full page of notes to refer to during the test) in certain places, and sometimes I can't read my own writing. But if I come away with a B in the course overall (which is what I got during Part 1; this was Intro. Algebra Part 2), I'll consider myself lucky. What pisses me off is that I still have Math 95 (intermediate algebra) and 111 (college algebra) to get through as well!!
But let's not think about that now, because today is our 3rd anniversary!! Yes, Byron and I met (in person) 3 years ago today. We were both on a listserv at Yahoo for people who like to thrift-shop. I was still living in Mt. Vernon (WA) and he was here in Portland. There are a bunch of cool thrifts in Mt. V, so I invited the people on the list in the general vicinity to come on up for a "thrift con": we all get together for some power thrifting and lunch. Well, turned out everyone cancelled, so I was going to call it off but Byron said, "Oh, are you sure? I was going to drive up and join you!" So I said sure, what the hey, come on up and we'll go thrifting anyway. So he did, and the rest, as they say, is history...
I just realized that George W. is going to be in my neck of the woods this Thursday!!! I knew he was coming to town, but I didn't realize he was speaking at the U of P. They're having a big protest rally at Columbia Park, which is within walking distance from our house. I'm not sure if I want to get involved with that or not. Some peaceful protesters were physically assaulted downtown earlier this month. And then there's last year's protest incident to consider, with tear gas, etc. There has to be a better way to register one's displeasure with Bush and his cronies... I'll have to cogitate on that.
Have a good day, y'all!
PS: KRANKOR's back, whoopeeee!!!!
Ace of Rods. "The source and origin of spiritual strength. The seed of inspiration and creation."
That is something I can definitely get behind today! I'm doing my flame-tending thing with the Ord Brighideach. I'm in the Ash cell, 12th shift.
I AM FREE!!!!!!! For the next month, at least. I guess I did OK on the algebra test. There were several times when I was close to tears, ready to throw things against the wall, turn over tables, etc. I always manage to put the wrong thing in my notes (we were allowed one full page of notes to refer to during the test) in certain places, and sometimes I can't read my own writing. But if I come away with a B in the course overall (which is what I got during Part 1; this was Intro. Algebra Part 2), I'll consider myself lucky. What pisses me off is that I still have Math 95 (intermediate algebra) and 111 (college algebra) to get through as well!!

But let's not think about that now, because today is our 3rd anniversary!! Yes, Byron and I met (in person) 3 years ago today. We were both on a listserv at Yahoo for people who like to thrift-shop. I was still living in Mt. Vernon (WA) and he was here in Portland. There are a bunch of cool thrifts in Mt. V, so I invited the people on the list in the general vicinity to come on up for a "thrift con": we all get together for some power thrifting and lunch. Well, turned out everyone cancelled, so I was going to call it off but Byron said, "Oh, are you sure? I was going to drive up and join you!" So I said sure, what the hey, come on up and we'll go thrifting anyway. So he did, and the rest, as they say, is history...

I just realized that George W. is going to be in my neck of the woods this Thursday!!! I knew he was coming to town, but I didn't realize he was speaking at the U of P. They're having a big protest rally at Columbia Park, which is within walking distance from our house. I'm not sure if I want to get involved with that or not. Some peaceful protesters were physically assaulted downtown earlier this month. And then there's last year's protest incident to consider, with tear gas, etc. There has to be a better way to register one's displeasure with Bush and his cronies... I'll have to cogitate on that.
Have a good day, y'all!

PS: KRANKOR's back, whoopeeee!!!!

Nice going!