ALISA IS PINK!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the best news I've had in ages. I'm absolutely delighted. No one deserves to be an SG more than our Alisa. YEEEE-HAW!!!!
I weeded out my Friends list, reluctantly deleting the grays and resolutely deleting the ones who have not reciprocated the favor. No sense having someone on your Friends list who doesn't consider you a friend in return, eh?
I think I can actually get some straightening up done around here today!!! My computer room is an absolute mess - books, papers and misc. crap strewn all over. I'm not a freak about neatness, but I can't stand clutter either. It's always something, isn't it?
And speaking of books and clutter, we're going to the KBOO book and record sale on Saturday! The precedent in the past has been to cart away several BOXES full of stuff. I hope we can resist the temptation this year, as we're running out of places to put things (if Byron can ever get the 2 bookcases he bought months ago assembled, that will help). But damn, it's always so much fun... And the Friends of the Library booksale is in October...
Did I mention that we watched Byron's new DVD of UHF the other night? He had never seen it before, and it had been ages since I'd last seen it. So funny, so silly. I always had kind of a little crush on Weird Al... SPATULA CITY!! (for full effect, must be said slowly in deep, booming announcer-style voice)
OK, need to get on with the day, so here's your Wilde quote for today, courtesy of my man Bluesman:
It is better to have a permanent income than to be fascinating.
This is the best news I've had in ages. I'm absolutely delighted. No one deserves to be an SG more than our Alisa. YEEEE-HAW!!!!
I weeded out my Friends list, reluctantly deleting the grays and resolutely deleting the ones who have not reciprocated the favor. No sense having someone on your Friends list who doesn't consider you a friend in return, eh?
I think I can actually get some straightening up done around here today!!! My computer room is an absolute mess - books, papers and misc. crap strewn all over. I'm not a freak about neatness, but I can't stand clutter either. It's always something, isn't it?
And speaking of books and clutter, we're going to the KBOO book and record sale on Saturday! The precedent in the past has been to cart away several BOXES full of stuff. I hope we can resist the temptation this year, as we're running out of places to put things (if Byron can ever get the 2 bookcases he bought months ago assembled, that will help). But damn, it's always so much fun... And the Friends of the Library booksale is in October...
Did I mention that we watched Byron's new DVD of UHF the other night? He had never seen it before, and it had been ages since I'd last seen it. So funny, so silly. I always had kind of a little crush on Weird Al... SPATULA CITY!! (for full effect, must be said slowly in deep, booming announcer-style voice)
OK, need to get on with the day, so here's your Wilde quote for today, courtesy of my man Bluesman:
It is better to have a permanent income than to be fascinating.
I don't know when I'll get the Dollz down to Portland, but I'm thinking it's not too far away. Maybe I'll make a trip down there sometime soon.
And I know what you mean about the mess thing. Damn, I gotta do some housework! But I'd so much rather geek out on the net! lol
this is so amazingly crazy and i'm definitely enjoying every minute of it. we still get to go thrifting even though i'm famous now right?