I need to be doing algebra homework
, but thought I should write a few words. Writing class is going to be intense! We have 8 weeks to write a 2500-3000 word research paper on a topic that touches on some aspect of "Fast Food Nation," which we're reading for the class (I read it a while back, but it's such a great and disturbing book I don't mind reading it again). We have to keep a research journal too. I think I'm going to do my paper on corporate personhood; it's something I've always been fascinated with and don't quite get the reasoning behind (beyond the obvious "corporations are holy and sacrosanct and you may not question them or be prepared to be cast into the burning pit of perdition" kind of thing). So if I don't write as often as I have been, you'll know why!!
It's not because I don't
you guys. I do, with all my heart. C'mon, you know that...
There was a big ol' pile of Marvin-
on the kitchen floor this morning!! We did notice that he didn't seem too interested in eating last night. He's sleeping on our bed, like he usually does in the mornings. He probably ate something weird while he was outside yesterday. At least I hope that's all it is...
OK, I can't put the damn algebra off any longer. So here is your Wilde quote for the day:
Woman's first duty in life is to her dressmaker. What the second duty is no one has yet discovered.

It's not because I don't

There was a big ol' pile of Marvin-

OK, I can't put the damn algebra off any longer. So here is your Wilde quote for the day:
Woman's first duty in life is to her dressmaker. What the second duty is no one has yet discovered.

and i just want to say that you would have made the best mom in the whole world. if i was young enough i'd let you be my mom
I couldn't put her new one down, and The Mother Trip makes me bawl every time I read it.
And I get to meet her in two weeks!
You would have been a fabulous mama.