I need to put away laundry, empty the dishwasher, work on putting together the next batch of programs for Radio Bastet, and get ready for my library stint. But am I doing any of that? Noooooooo.... I'm sitting HERE instead!!!! Damn you, SuicideGirls.com!!! :shakes fist:
I wish we could go to the HUGE Harry Potter book party they're having at Powell's Friday night, but I don't think it's gonna happen. I haven't finished reading all the books yet anyway....
Talked to Mom on the phone yesterday. She seems to be doing fine. We're going to go up and spend the 4th of July weekend with her. She got a picture of my cousin's new baby. I just pray to the gods that they don't raise him to be a Dittohead like the rest of that particular branch of the family...
OK, much to do, little time to do it. Here's your Wilde wisdom for today:
Nothing makes one so vain as being told that one is a sinner.

I wish we could go to the HUGE Harry Potter book party they're having at Powell's Friday night, but I don't think it's gonna happen. I haven't finished reading all the books yet anyway....

Talked to Mom on the phone yesterday. She seems to be doing fine. We're going to go up and spend the 4th of July weekend with her. She got a picture of my cousin's new baby. I just pray to the gods that they don't raise him to be a Dittohead like the rest of that particular branch of the family...

OK, much to do, little time to do it. Here's your Wilde wisdom for today:
Nothing makes one so vain as being told that one is a sinner.

lol-- i was changing my journal as you were posting. the "real" entry is up now. 

You know, I've never read a Harry Potter book, but I'm just so damned happy that people are this excited over BOOKS! You've gotta love it.