Beware of big guys in hockey masks carrying farm implements. Whether their name is Jason or not.

Actually, for Witches and Pagans it's one of the best days ever! So it's gonna be a good day for me...

Yesterday I got the back yard mowed and cut some rhubarb from the big ol' plant next to the house. I'm going to make an extremely excellent rhubarb cake today! I promise to give the recipe. I love rhubarb, but my stomach doesn't... Too bad, stomach. Deal with it.

RIP Gregory Peck and David Brinkley...

Your Wilde quote for today:
There are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating: people who know everything, and people who know nothing.

In all honesty I would run for elected office if a) I had the money to spare for the campaign and b) I thought I had an ice cube's chance in hell of winning. But sadly, the chances of me being elected in Alberta are slim. It's a pretty conservative province as a whole and I know that the majority of my personal views conflict with those in power and those who elect them. Ontario just legalized gay marriages. Alberta's premier (like the state governor or whatever) has vowed to fight to keep it from happening in Alberta. The mayor of Edmonton (where I go to school) announced Gay Pride Week yesterday. Because the court ordered him to. He's been rather open about his anti-gay stance. I would refuse to pander to common opinion. I stand for what I stand for. And sadly, that won't win me a great deal of support. But hey, a kid can dream right? Who knows...maybe someday...
Also...Bruce Lee is my freakin' hero.