So long, Franchise...
On a lighter note, we did indeed go to Lloyd Center yesterday, had lunch and saw Finding Nemo. If you haven't seen it yet, I command you to do so RIGHT NOW!!! No really - everything about it is great. Pixar can pretty much do no wrong, as far as I'm concerned.
Got up to 91 yesterday; had to sleep downstairs on the couch again. We got the bathtub unclogged; now it needs a massive cleaning. Also need to get the recyclables ready for pickup tomorrow. Such a thrilling and exotic life I lead!!
Your Wilde quote for today:
Fashion is that by which the fantastic becomes for a moment universal.
(BTW, I'm getting all these quotes from Tattooed Women by Spider Webb)
On a lighter note, we did indeed go to Lloyd Center yesterday, had lunch and saw Finding Nemo. If you haven't seen it yet, I command you to do so RIGHT NOW!!! No really - everything about it is great. Pixar can pretty much do no wrong, as far as I'm concerned.
Got up to 91 yesterday; had to sleep downstairs on the couch again. We got the bathtub unclogged; now it needs a massive cleaning. Also need to get the recyclables ready for pickup tomorrow. Such a thrilling and exotic life I lead!!
Your Wilde quote for today:
Fashion is that by which the fantastic becomes for a moment universal.
(BTW, I'm getting all these quotes from Tattooed Women by Spider Webb)
My take was this...
She definately is "damaged goods" when it comes to mental stability. I think this adds to her abilities as an art critic, as I feel critics are all fucking nuts.
The book is enthralling, at least in it's candor and shock value. Her perspective on life is eye opening, and educational, but after a while it became almost predictable.
I don't want to say too much more, as you should get your own perspective. Maybe we should start a book club and send books all over the country.