98 degrees yesterday.
You heat-lovers can have it. Can't move, can't breathe, can't drink enough ice water. It's "only" supposed to get up to 89 today, then thank the Goddess, back down to the 70's next week. Again, just in case I didn't make my opinion of beastly hot weather clear -
I'm not sure what we're going to do today. Byron proposed hanging out in the air-conditioned splendor of Lloyd Center, maybe catching a movie; sounds OK to me, even though I hate malls. In any case, your Wilde quote for today is the following:
Religions die when they are proved to be true. Science is the record of dead religions.
Conveniently forgot to mention that the &%^$#@* bathtub is blocked up!!! We're trying to take care of it without calling Greg the Plumber; not sure if we'll be successful. Yuck. Washing your hair in the kitchen sink is weird. It's gonna be one of those days....

I'm not sure what we're going to do today. Byron proposed hanging out in the air-conditioned splendor of Lloyd Center, maybe catching a movie; sounds OK to me, even though I hate malls. In any case, your Wilde quote for today is the following:
Religions die when they are proved to be true. Science is the record of dead religions.

Conveniently forgot to mention that the &%^$#@* bathtub is blocked up!!! We're trying to take care of it without calling Greg the Plumber; not sure if we'll be successful. Yuck. Washing your hair in the kitchen sink is weird. It's gonna be one of those days....
You're lucky. Here we only got 6 sunny days the whole month of May. It won't stop raining and warm up!
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm implementing some of them. It's been way to hot in Seattle too, but not so bad as 98. Sheesh.