It's hard to believe that in 24 hours we'll be on our way to the airport!! Yeee-ha!!!
"Martha Inc." was pretty great. We bounced between that and the ABC 50 year anniversary show, which was also pretty great. Taped both, naturally.
Well, today I need to iron my dress, mow the lawns, do the last of the dishes that won't fit into the dishwasher (which is also pretty great - the dishwasher, I mean) and get the rest of my packing done. And part 2 of that Hitler biopic is on tonight too. The first part was quite interesting. Robert Carlyle was perfectly cast. Certainly seems like the season for TV biopics, eh?
Today's Wilde quote (you certainly won't be seeing any TV biopics of him, that's for sure! Not on network TV anyway. The movie they did with Stephen Fry was excellent!!):
There is no such thing as good influence. All influence is immoral - immoral from the scientific point of view.

"Martha Inc." was pretty great. We bounced between that and the ABC 50 year anniversary show, which was also pretty great. Taped both, naturally.
Well, today I need to iron my dress, mow the lawns, do the last of the dishes that won't fit into the dishwasher (which is also pretty great - the dishwasher, I mean) and get the rest of my packing done. And part 2 of that Hitler biopic is on tonight too. The first part was quite interesting. Robert Carlyle was perfectly cast. Certainly seems like the season for TV biopics, eh?
Today's Wilde quote (you certainly won't be seeing any TV biopics of him, that's for sure! Not on network TV anyway. The movie they did with Stephen Fry was excellent!!):
There is no such thing as good influence. All influence is immoral - immoral from the scientific point of view.

PS Watching P-Funk on Sessions at West 54th St right now....