Women puzzle me sometimes. For those of you who read my last entry you would of seen the incident about me hooking up with one of my good friends. Not much of an improvement since then. She still seems to be very fickle around me. I do not understand. After having long conversations with her sister, her sister boyfriend, and two of her best friends, they all say that she is intrested in me. So with this information in mind, I tried to make my move several times the other night. But everytime was met with a cold shoulder. I do not know. I offer to take her out to dinner and she denies. I offer to be the good boyfriend and she turns the other direction. Now do not get me wrong. If I am intrested in a woman and i find out she has no intrest in me, I may pursue her but not nearly as far as if she was intrested in me. I would much rather prefer that someone tells me what they really think about me instead of dancing around the fucking subject. I'm not 5 fucking years old any more. I can take the truth.
In other news...
I would like to thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday the other day. It was greatly appreciated. A fun time was had by my friend Tollin and myself in Atlantic City. We went to the borgata and spent a portion of the time at the Sky Bar. Good music and good drinks. After a while we decided to hit the tables. I thought that i would try the roulette wheel before the poker tables for two reasons...
1. There was a 2 hour wait for the poker table i wanted to get on.
2. Roulette wheel is a game of pure luck. There is no skill involved.
So after about losing $150 on the roulette wheel. I decided to find some black jack for a while. When i did finally get to a poker table, it was close to 5 in the morning and we were taking off at 7 so i only had 2 hours to regain my losses on the roulette wheel. But all in all the night was fun.
I would also like to apologize to Abyssia for this morning. We were suppose to hang out today and take crazy photos and eat ice cream. But unfortunately work decided to give me my promotion 2 weeks ahead of schedule for $3000 less then what was estimated at. I am not happy about the fact that i have to put in close to 50 hours/week and im not breaking $30,000/Year. Nor am i happy about the fact i do no qualify for health insurance for another 6 months. I doubt i will be here for long if things like this continue. The jucie does not even come close to being worth the squeeze.
Not only that but my depression has not changed much in the past week. Again, i think its in part from the current situation with this girl. Its just fucking annoying.
I hope that everyone is doing well...
In other news...
I would like to thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday the other day. It was greatly appreciated. A fun time was had by my friend Tollin and myself in Atlantic City. We went to the borgata and spent a portion of the time at the Sky Bar. Good music and good drinks. After a while we decided to hit the tables. I thought that i would try the roulette wheel before the poker tables for two reasons...
1. There was a 2 hour wait for the poker table i wanted to get on.
2. Roulette wheel is a game of pure luck. There is no skill involved.
So after about losing $150 on the roulette wheel. I decided to find some black jack for a while. When i did finally get to a poker table, it was close to 5 in the morning and we were taking off at 7 so i only had 2 hours to regain my losses on the roulette wheel. But all in all the night was fun.
I would also like to apologize to Abyssia for this morning. We were suppose to hang out today and take crazy photos and eat ice cream. But unfortunately work decided to give me my promotion 2 weeks ahead of schedule for $3000 less then what was estimated at. I am not happy about the fact that i have to put in close to 50 hours/week and im not breaking $30,000/Year. Nor am i happy about the fact i do no qualify for health insurance for another 6 months. I doubt i will be here for long if things like this continue. The jucie does not even come close to being worth the squeeze.
Not only that but my depression has not changed much in the past week. Again, i think its in part from the current situation with this girl. Its just fucking annoying.
I hope that everyone is doing well...
That is one of the great modern Koans. I encourage you to seek the meaning of the question. ;o)