So I finally got a Flickr Pro account, so I'm happy about that 'cause now all my photos are actually shown and not hidden
Last night I gave 2 shows with 2 different bands but in the same event, so fuck, I ended up tired as shit, and drunk hahaaha 'cause u know, I had catering and drinks for 2 bands We all had a great time, even though I'm still dreaming for the day that actually my friends will show up to a gig... I'm always sad about that. Actually that's one of the main reasons of why I HATE playing in my hometown. There are so many friends I haven't seen for months or years and when I go they always say they will come to the show (I invite them of course) but they never show up and that sucks. But anyway, met some cool people last nite and I got some amazing feedback from another musicians and the crowd, so I'm feeling good about myself, specially 'cuz like the HOTTEST girl in the club went backstage and came to me and said in front of everyone: "Dude, ur awesome, and I couldn't leave without telling u that ur hot onstage" and then she left HAHA That was the best thing EVER! They were all like WHAT THA FUCK JUST HAPPENED?! ahahahaha We had a great laugh!
So I guess that's it for now... Don't know where I'll be for new year, but I'm still planning visiting Canada and Tokyo before March 2009, so I just hope I can make it happen!
Peace and love to everyone out there. And best wishes for the holidays.