I've been having some real busy days right now, so it has been one of those days when you just think about your life, your family, your friends, your career, your goals and achievements. And I'm proud to say that I have enjoyed most of my life, thanks to the music. Last night, a guy asked me wich has been my most amazing moment in my career, and it was definetly this one in 2004, playing a new version of our national anthem at the biggest stadium in Chile in front of 117.000 thousand people, opening the final and most important section of our Teleton, wich helps the main institution for kids with dishabilities. For those who didn't know, when I was around 13 or 14 years old, I had one of the most serious injuries in both of my arms, wich didn't let me play music, but thanks to this institution and their doctors and amazing people, I made it trough and now 10 years later I'm still enjoying every second of my life as a musician. I found this video on Youtube, wich shows you what I'm talking about...
I don't really have much to say, just that everyone should feel blessed for being alive and healthy, and be the better person you can be.
PS: Yes, I was ALOT fatter in 2004 LOL but who cares anyway =)

I've been having some real busy days right now, so it has been one of those days when you just think about your life, your family, your friends, your career, your goals and achievements. And I'm proud to say that I have enjoyed most of my life, thanks to the music. Last night, a guy asked me wich has been my most amazing moment in my career, and it was definetly this one in 2004, playing a new version of our national anthem at the biggest stadium in Chile in front of 117.000 thousand people, opening the final and most important section of our Teleton, wich helps the main institution for kids with dishabilities. For those who didn't know, when I was around 13 or 14 years old, I had one of the most serious injuries in both of my arms, wich didn't let me play music, but thanks to this institution and their doctors and amazing people, I made it trough and now 10 years later I'm still enjoying every second of my life as a musician. I found this video on Youtube, wich shows you what I'm talking about...
I don't really have much to say, just that everyone should feel blessed for being alive and healthy, and be the better person you can be.
PS: Yes, I was ALOT fatter in 2004 LOL but who cares anyway =)
y eras de la teleton??? no te creo!!!
si ando feliz porque hoy sali de vacas!!! e e e e e e
ahora podras hablarme pr messnegre sin que te mande a la mierda o te iga que toy okupa jajajajajajjaajaj