Hehe, el otro da me comentaban lo inusual que era que alguien aqu escribiera en espaol, pero ms que eso, lo verdaderamente inusual es que yo haya actualizado este blog! Haha...
Bueno la verdad slo quera comentar lo feliz que estoy de estar por estos lados, y lo agradecido que estoy de mucha gente que he conocido gracias a este medio. De verdad he conocido gente espectacular (aunque no necesariamente nos hemos conocido en persona) y que ya considero amigos mios. Adems creo que da a da se van uniendo ms chilenos, lo cual es bastante interesante. Por otro lado, se acerca el fin de ao, y cuando hago el balance ha sido increble: a nivel personal estoy ms feliz que nunca con la persona que amo, a nivel profesional mi carrera musical se va expandiendo poco a poco y al menos puedo vivir tranquilo, a nivel estudiantil este ao es practicamente mi ltimo ao y hasta el momento todo debera resultar ms que bien. Este ao tuve la suerte de tocar mucho en vivo, viajar por el mundo gracias a la msica, llegar a otros pases gracias a MTV, y mil cosas ms. Y lo mejor de todo, es que todo ese esfuerzo se ver coronado al tocar (nuevamente, ehem, ehem) a un Estadio Nacional repleto para el da final de la Teletn. En fin, creo que el baance es bastante positivo. Muchos carios a todos, y a los que an no tenemos el gusto de conocernos, ya lo haremos!
Hehe, the other day I was told how unusual it is for a guy to write in spanish around here, so I'll write it in english too so everyone everywhere can understand, but whats really unusual is me updating this thing hahaha. Well, actually I just wanted to comment how happy I am of being around this place, and how thankful I am of many people that I have met during this time. I've met a really amazing bunch of people (not necessarily in person) and that I already consider good friends of mine. I also notice that everyday more chileans are signing into the site, wich it's pretty interesting and exciting. Other thing is that this year's end is right around the corner, and when I think of this year, I realize it's been fucking awesome! On a personal level, I'm happy as hell with the love of my life and most beautiful girl in the world, on a professional level my career as a musician has really taken off and that allows me to live with a smile on my face and reach my new goals, and on a student level, this year is practically my last year in music school and as far as I know I'm already 'safe'. This year I've been able to play on tons of amazing shows, travelling around the world thanks to music, meet incredible people from everywhere and also reaching new audiences thanks to MTV, and a thousand more stuff. Best thing ever, is that all that effort is getting rewarded by playing (again, hehe) to a sold out National Stadium for the final night of the chilean Teleton (that's the name of a fundraising event broadcast on television that lasts many days, the purpose of which is to raise money for a charitable institution to help kids and people with physical disabilities). Anyway, I think, overall, this year has been awesome, and for those I haven't met yet, we will
PD: lo que apesta de ser msico, es que siempre en la mayora de las fotos sales con alguna cara orgsmica extraa que normalmente no te favorece mucho, ajajaja. / PS: the shitty thing about being a musician, it's that in most pics your face looks like if you just had a huge weird orgasm, a facial expression wich is not necessarily nice, hahaha.
Que bueno que todo valla bien, me alegro mucho por ti
oye! tu me dices upa y yo chalupa x las fotos de Divina
Thank you!