I was always intrigued by the thought of masturbation while driving. Friends over time have admitted to doing so, but i never thought it to be very fun or to have much point. However tonight I was driving home from seeing friends, I had a 30-45min drive on the highway ahead of me, so thus I said "why the fuck not" and did so. I found it to not be very pleasurable, very distracting, and all together not even a good time filler, it actually made my ride seem longer. Although I never derived much pleasure from the act normally. Ah well try it for yourselves and let me know your thoughts.


I don't see how I'd be able to do that. I gotta be able to shift gears and stuff - talking on the phone is hard enough! But the real problem is that there is never any "inspiration" around and I need inspiration. Highway billboards just go by too fast...

I can't even drive when I'm not masturbating. (Seriously. I don't have a license to this day.) Nice to know I'm not missing much.